Tag: gender-affirming-care


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Federal Judge Rules Florida’s Sex Reassignment Law is Unconstitutional
PragerU Releases Documentary On Detransitioners
Planned Parenthood Prescribing Sex Change Hormones After 30 Minutes of Consultation
West Virginia Advances Bill Criminalizing Transgender Surgery For Children
Puberty Blocker Prescriptions For Children Have Doubled Since 2017
Ex-Navy SEAL Who Detransitioned Warns Gender Affirming Doctors Are 'Leading You Astray'
Psychologist Says Transgender Children 'May Be A Phase,' Encourages Natural Development
WATCH: Protestors and Counterprotestors Attend Daily Wire’s ‘Rally to End Child Mutilation’ in Nashville
Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Bill to Make Sex Change Hormones and Surgeries for Minors a Felony