Category: Health


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Texas Children's Hospital Reportedly Closes Pediatric 'Sex-Change' Clinic Temporarily
New York City Council Pushes for IVF Coverage for Gay Couples
AG Ken Paxton Opens Investigation Into Medicaid Fraud At Texas Children's Hospital
Former CDC Director Says Bird Flu Pandemic Would Likely Emerge Through Gain-of-Function Research
Justice Department Moves to Reclassify Marijuana As Less Dangerous
The Daily Wire Launches Men's Health Brand
Survey Finds Lower-Income, Less-Educated Americans Have Highest Rates of Regular Cannabis Use
NYC Warns of Increase of Infectious Disease Spread Through Rat Urine
Nicole Shanahan Says Modera mRNA Vaccine ‘Must Be Recalled Immediately’
More Young Adults Are Opting for Sterilization According to New Analysis
Massive Crowds in Japan Rally Against WHO Pandemic Treaty
BREAKING: Arizona Bans Nearly All Abortions as Court Upholds 1864 Law Making Performing One a Felony
Monkeypox Infections On the Rise
Tennessee Passes Bill To Classify Foods With Vaccine Material Added As Drugs
Advocacy Groups Want Biden To Enact Menthol Cigarette Ban
CDC Issues Health Alert Over Measles Outbreak
EPA Bans Cancer-Causing Asbestos
Migrant Shelter Is Ground Zero For Chicago Measles Outbreak
New Mexico Man Dead from Bubonic Plague
Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill Has Been Shipped to Stores
Bipartisan Maryland Bill Aims to Prohibit Medical Interventions on 'Transgender' Minors Without Parental Consent
New Study Shows Male and Female Brains Work Differently
NHS Says Male 'Chestfeeding' Is 'Comparable' To Female Breast Milk
Premature Births Increase by 12% in the Last 8 Years
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