Category: Israel


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Chinese Envoy At Israel's ICJ Hearing Says Armed Resistance to Foreign Occupation Is Enshrined in International Law
Report Confirms Israeli Forces Opened Fire On UN Aid Convoy Carrying Food To Gaza
International Court to Review 57-Year Israeli Occupation
Biden Calls Netanyahu An 'A--hole,' Says 'Enough' To Israeli Bombardment of Gaza
Israeli Banks Freeze Accounts Of Settlers Sanctioned By U.S.
Biden Signs Executive Order Imposing Sanctions On Israeli Settlers Who Attack Palestinians
U.S., U.K. Are Considering Recognition of Palestinian State
Israeli Intelligence Secretly Says Gaza Health Ministry Death Toll Numbers Are 'Totally Reliable'
International Court Rules Against Israel In Genocide Case
Amnesty: There Are 'Worrying Signs of Genocide' In Gaza
U.S. Secretary of State Says Palestinian State Necessary For Israeli Security
CNN Staffers Reveal IDF Censors Israel-Palestine News Coverage
South Africa Brings Genocide Case Against Israel at International Court of Justice
IDF Soldiers Shoot, Kill Palestinians Attempting To Return To Their Homes
Netanyahu Brags About Preventing An Independent Palestinian State
Biden Admin Planning For Post-War Gaza With Two-State Solution, 'Revitalized' Palestinian Authority
Civilian-to-Combatant Kill Ratio In Gaza Has 'Few Precedents' In Modern History
South Africa Seeks to Declare Israel Apartheid State
Israeli Government Is Using Controversial Pegasus Spyware To Track Hamas Kidnapping Victims
Internal State Department Memo Says Israel is Committing 'War Crimes' In Gaza
Vice President Kamala Harris's Stepdaughter Promotes Fundraiser for 'Gaza's Children'
Ambassador Says United Nations Has 'Let Down' Israel
Israel Dropped More Bombs On Gaza In a Week Than the U.S. Dropped on Afghanistan During One Year, Expert Says
Teenage Protestors Throwing Stones Shot by Israeli Snipers