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IDF Soldiers Shoot, Kill Palestinians Attempting To Return To Their Homes

The deaths come as Israeli politicians publicly call for 'ethnic cleansing'

IDF Soldiers Shoot, Kill Palestinians Attempting To Return To Their Homes

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers are shooting and killing Palestinian civilians who attempt to return to their homes in northern Gaza.

“This morning the IDF killed ten Gazans who insisted on returning from the south … Anyone who crossed a certain line, the soldiers shot him with intention to kill. After ten bodies, the Gazans understood the hint,” according to a post by Israeli journalist Avishai Grinzaig on social media platform X.

"This morning, as well, Gazans were going north from the direction of Shati, in violation of the well-known IDF orders. The soldiers killed 15 of them. They didn't ask to see their 'certified terrorist' licenses before they opened fire,” he said separately.

The posts about the killings have since been deleted, but have been shared by others who viewed them. A post authenticating the information remains visible on the reporter's page.


Avichay Adraee, an Israeli military spokesperson, released a statement saying that northern Gaza residents will not have a right of return to their homes.

“Residents of Gaza, the movement of the population from the south of the Strip to the north will not be allowed in any way, but only from the north to the south,” Adraee said. “We invite you not to approach the military forces and the areas north of the Gaza Valley. Take advantage of the time to replenish your needs and arrange your affairs.”

The killings of Gazans seeking to go back to their homes comes as Israeli officials call to ethnically cleanse Gaza by “resettling” Palestinians in other areas and replace them with Israeli settlements.

According to the United Nations (UN), ethnic cleansing is “rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.”

The UN Security Council says ethnic cleansing is:

a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas. To a large extent, it is carried out in the name of misguided nationalism, historic grievances and a powerful driving sense of revenge.

Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s minister of national security and leader of the Jewish Power party, says the destruction of Gaza presents an “opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza.”

As detailed by The Times of Israel, Ben Gvir told reporters, “We cannot withdraw from any territory we are in in the Gaza Strip. Not only do I not rule out Jewish settlement there, I believe it is also an important thing.”

He added that the “correct solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is to “encourage the voluntary migration of Gaza’s residents to countries that will agree to take in the refugees” so Israel can “permanently control the territory of the Gaza Strip” and build settlements there.

One day prior, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said that his government needs to “encourage willful emigration, and we need to find countries willing to take them in.”

Smotrich commented on the poor conditions that have defined the Palestinians' existence, stating, “They want to leave. They have been living in a ghetto for 75 years and are in need.”

He added, “I don’t think there’s anyone in Israel who doesn’t want to see Jewish settlements everywhere.”

These latest official calls to forcibly and permanently remove the Palestinian people from their land come just weeks after an Israeli real estate firm released a promotional video pushing new Israeli settlements in Gaza.

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