Tag: ron-desantis


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DeSantis Criticizes Trump's Absence From Primary Debates
DeSantis Says Florida Already Won Debate Against Newsom
DeSantis-Newsom Debate Scheduled for Nov. 30
Florida Republican 'Consultants, Lawmakers, Lobbyists' Expect DeSantis To Drop Out of 2024 Race
Governor Ron DeSantis Polls in Fifth Place in New Hampshire
DeSantis Details 'Freedom To Fuel' Plan, Sets Goal Of $2 Gas
Tucker Carlson Denies Claim DeSantis Assaulted His Dog
DeSantis Launches Billboard Campaign In Major Democrat-Run City Seeking Law Enforcement
DeSantis Spars With CBS Reporter Over Abortion, Parental Rights In Education
DeSantis Says He Would Use Deadly Force On Cartel Members At The Southern Border
DeSantis Takes On Heckler Saying Governor Allowed Jacksonville Shooting To Happen
DeSantis Says Republican Primary Should Focus On 'Conceivable' Candidates
Google Will Require Campaign Ads to Prominently Disclose if They Used Artificial Intelligence or Digitally Altered Content
Rolling Stone Frames Self-Proclamed Neo-Nazi Group As DeSantis Supporters, Issues Correction
'Fake News': DeSantis' Press Secretary Refutes Trump Claim Of Florida Governor Dropping Out Of Race