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Trump Responds to Haley's D.C. Win With North Dakota Caucus Victory

With just under 2,000 votes cast in the state, Trump led Haley by over 70 points

Trump Responds to Haley's D.C. Win With North Dakota Caucus Victory

Former President Donald Trump secured another win in last night's North Dakota caucus.

Trump's victory comes on the heels of lone Republican challenger Nikki Haley's win in the Sunday Washington, D.C. primary.

With just under 2,000 votes cast in the state, Trump led Haley by just over 70 points.

Haley defeated Trump by just under 30 points out of 2,030 votes cast in the nation's capital, marking the lone Republican challenger's first primary victory this election cycle. Trump has handily defeated Haley along with other Republican challengers throughout the primary season.

Prior to Sunday's primary, Haley indicated she may not abide by her pledge with the Republican National Committee (RNC) to support the eventual nominee.

"I think I’ll make what decision I want to make,” Haley said.

Leading up to tonight's Super Tuesday, Trump has adopted the slogan "Too Big to Rig" during recent campaign events, encouraging massive Republican voter turnout.

"Republicans must win. We have to win to get it done. And we want a landslide that is too big to rig," Trump said during rallies in Richmond, Virginia and Greensboro, North Carolina over the weekend. "Too big to rig. That’s what we need."

Trump elaborated on the slogan during a Monday interview.

"We're really thinking about November 5th," Trump said of the newly adopted slogan, adding the message sends a "signal."

"Tomorrow's the big day," he added of Super Tuesday. "I think it's gonna be record setting ... but that sends the signal, because what we're really doing is we're aiming at that November 5th date."

Trump said he believed the upcoming general election will be the most important day in United States history.

"We're gonna take our country back," he continued. "If we don't win this next election, I think our country's finished. I really do."

Haley faces an uphill battle against the former president as Trump has secured 276 of the 1,215 delegates required for the Republican nomination.

Trump may soon clinch the Republican nomination as 874 delegates are up for grabs in tonight's Super Tuesday across 15 states including Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Utah. Following Super Tuesday, another 170 delegates are up for grabs across elections in American Samoa, Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Washington State next week.

Haley has vowed to remain in the race through Super Tuesday regardless of her performance.

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