2024 Election /

Sen. Barrasso Endorses Trump for Re-Election

'If you want to get the country back on track ... we need Donald Trump back in the White House'

Sen. Barrasso Endorses Trump for Re-Election

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso has endorsed former President Donald Trump for re-election this November.

During a Tuesday appearance on Fox News with host Sean Hannity, Barrasso lauded Trump's record on the economy, noting "we had energy independence, our enemies feared us, and we had a secure border."

"Now under Joe Biden, we have high prices, we have a wide-open border," Barrasso said.

Barrasso said the nation's border had been surrendered,n allowing upwards of eight million illegal immigrants to enter the country.

“This is a disaster," Barrasso said. "We cannot afford another four years of Joe Biden’s failures, so if you want to get the country back on track, which is what I want to do, we need a strong Republican conservative House and Senate and we need Donald Trump back in the White House."

"That’s why tonight, I am endorsing Donald Trump for president of the United States," he told Hannity.

Trump thanked Barrasso in a Truth Social post.

“Thank you to the GREAT Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming for such a powerful Endorsement, delivered beautifully tonight on the Sean Hannity Show,” Trump wrote. “To know John is to both like and respect him, a truly extraordinary man. THANK YOU JOHN!!!”

Barrasso, the third-ranking Senate Republican and Conference Chairman, joins over 100 members of Congress who have endorsed Trump for re-election, including fellow senators including Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, and Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn.

Trump has also garnered the support of House Republican leaders including Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and House Majority Whip Tom Emmer.

Seven governors have also thrown support behind Trump's bid for re-election including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, and Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who served as Trump's White House Press Secretary from 2017 until 2019.

The Wyoming senator is the 20th Senate member to endorse Trump following Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton's endorsement of the former president last week.

According to RealClearPolitics, Trump currently holds a commanding 50.7-point advantage over GOP runner-up and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. Fellow Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trails Haley by a narrow .4 points.

Haley and DeSantis are scheduled to debate tonight in Des Moines, Iowa at 9 p.m. EST. The event will be hosted by CNN.

In lieu of participating in tonight's debate, Trump will participate in a town hall hosted by Fox News which will premiere at the same time as CNN's debate.

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