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Trump Says Haley Is A Globalist, Funded By Biden Donors

'She Likes The Globe ... I like America First'

Trump Says Haley Is A Globalist, Funded By Biden Donors

Former President Donald Trump said former South Carolina Governor and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is a globalist.

Trump, who is seeking re-election in the 2024, also claimed Haley's campaign was "funded by Biden Donors."

The former President made his comments during a Friday campaign stop in Iowa.

"Nikki Haley has been in the pocket of open borders establishment donors her entire career," Trump said. "She's a globalist. She likes the globe."

"I like America First," Trump added as the crowd cheered. "The people in this room like America First."

The former President then told the crowd Haley's campaign was funded by Biden donors, appearing to reference Democratic National Committee donors who have donated to Haley in an effort to stymy Trump's chances at securing the GOP nomination.

During the campaign stop, Trump also said Haley opposed his border wall proposition and condemned his overall border security policies. Trump also said Haley "stabbed the Republican Party in the back" by "siding" with former President Barack Obama's opposition to his Executive Order 13769, often referred to as the "Trump travel ban."

The executive order, which was signed in January 2017, sought to limit the number of refugees admitted into the United States to 50,000. Trump's executive order also included a four-month suspension of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and indefinitely suspended the acceptance of Syrian refugees. The order was also referred to as a "Muslim ban" by critics of the President.

Trump told the Iowa crowd he would immediately restore and expand the travel ban for "countries that are terror-plagued."

“We fought long and hard to rescue the Republican Party from the likes of Mitt Romney, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan,” Trump said. “There’s no chance we’re going to let them [RINOs] claw their way back into power.”

The former President also repeated a proposed policy to seek the death penalty for drug smugglers.

“If you want to stop the drug epidemic—it’s the death penalty or drug dealers,” Trump added. 

Haley has been speculated to be tapped as Trump's running mate in 2024, though recent remarks by the former president appear to suggest otherwise.

During Trump's time in office, Haley served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from January 2017 until December 2018.

According to RealClearPolitics, Trump holds a commanding 51.7-point lead over runner up Haley. Fellow GOP candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis narrowly trails Haley by just under 1 point.

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