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GOP Has 157,000 Volunteers This Election, RNC Chairman Says

Michael Whatley: 'We’re going to have them in a position where we can deploy them as poll workers and poll observers on election day, and frankly, throughout all of the election period'

GOP Has 157,000 Volunteers This Election, RNC Chairman Says

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley said the GOP has said the committee has significantly increased their volunteer base in preparation for the November election.

Whatley discussed the RNC's strategy under Lara Trump's leadership during a Tuesday appearance on Just the News with host John Solomon.

“First off, we want to make sure that the rules of the road are the right rules of the road, and it is absolutely critical for us to ensure that every state is going to enforce the law that only American citizens can vote,” Whatley said. “That is the law of the land in federal elections, and we need every single state to enforce it. We also look at states like Arizona, where they say that only US citizens can vote in the state election."

"That’s critical, and that’s why we want to make sure that we’re working to protect that," he added.

He said that the RNC is also working to make voter ID the law of the land and forcing states to clean up their voter rolls so that there is no question about the legitimacy of the election.

Whatley went on to say cleaning up voter rolls and implementing voter ID was the national standard to ensure security and trust in elections.

“The other critical aspect is that we want to make sure that we’re in the room,” he added. “We were very excited to announce earlier this week that we have already recruited over 157,000 volunteers all across the country to our Protect The Vote Campaign.”

“We had set an initial goal of 100,000 when Lara Trump and I took over the RNC just four months ago, and the response has been completely overwhelming,” he said. “People are going to protectthevote.com [and] signing up. We are getting them registered, we are getting them into training, and we’re going to have them in a position where we can deploy them as poll workers and poll observers on election day, and frankly, throughout all of the election period.”

Whatley and Trump were unanimously elected as the new chair and co-chair of the RNC in March. Whatley previously served as the state chair of the North Carolina Republican Party. He was endorsed by former President Donald Trump in February.

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