Tag: border-security


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The Border Crisis Prompts Challenges, Empathy in El Paso
El Paso Locals Divided Over Illegal Immigration
Improvised Explosive Device Found At Arizona Border
Texas Gov. Deploying National Guard To 'Physically Turn Back' Migrants Trying to Illegally Enter U.S.
Border Patrol Leaks Internal Deportation Plan, Tipping Off Thousands Of Migrants Who Fled El Paso
Biden Administration Sending 1,500 Troops To Southern Border
Clinton, Bush, Obama NGO Partners With AMEX To Fly Migrants Into U.S.
Biden Administration 'Re-Routing' Illegal Migrants To Ports Of Entry
Texas Republican Proposes State 'Border Protection Unit'
Federal Judge Orders Biden Admin. To End 'Catch-And-Release' Border Policies
Denver Spent $8M In Two Months Transporting Migrants
DHS Rule Change Allows Migrants To Abuse System, Says FAIR Immigration
Four Migrants Bused to NYC Arrested For Macy's Robbery
Border Patrol Agents Seized Record Amount of Narcotics in FY 2022
El Paso Builds Wall of Shipping Containers Along U.S. Border