Category: Critical Race Theory


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Florida Judge Blocks Anti-CRT 'Individual Freedom Act'
93% of High School Grads Say They were Taught Critical Race or Gender Theory in School
Former Assistant Principal at Virginia Elementary School Files Lawsuit, Says CRT Teachings Created 'Really Hostile Work Environment'
DeSantis Unveils ‘Stop WOKE Act’ to Remove CRT from Florida Classrooms and Businesses
MD's Largest School System Institutes 'Psychoeducational' Lessons, Teaches There's 'Dual Pandemic' of COVID and 'Systemic Racism'
Youngkin Vows to Ban Critical Race Theory on Day One, Draws Huge Applause at Rally
Walmart’s Critical Race Theory Training Says White Employees are Guilty of 'White Supremacy Thinking'
Rhode Island Teacher Union Sues Mom Who Requested Critical Race Theory Curriculum
Distinguished Biracial Doctor Demoted for Opposing Segregated Care, Files Discrimination Charge
WHITE HOUSE SPINS: Dept of Ed Blames Random ‘Error’ for Document Promoting CRT This Fall
CRT BEFORE ABC: Biden Admin Backs Radical Group Pushing ‘Race Theory’ in Public Schools
CRT BEFORE ABC? 25 School Districts Now Promoting Book That Equates ‘Whiteness’ with ‘The Devil’