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WATCH: Olympic Swimmer Michael Andrew Refuses COVID Vaccine, Says He is Representing American 'Freedom'

WATCH: Olympic Swimmer Michael Andrew Refuses COVID Vaccine, Says He is Representing American 'Freedom'

Appearing on Fox Business' Varney & Co, Andrew said that "the effectiveness of the vaccine is lower than the risk of me getting Covid."

The 22-year-old has been consistently outspoken about his decision not to get the jab, but said that he will follow all protocols in Tokyo, including being tested daily.

“I’m an elite athlete. Everything we take and put in our body is very calculated. You know, with the period going into Olympic trials, I didn’t want to risk any time out of the pool,” Andrew said.

“The fact that the effectiveness of the vaccine is lower than the risk of me getting Covid, I just realized it wasn’t quite necessary and wasn’t smart on my part in terms of preparation going into the games,” the swimmer added.

Andrew said that he is grateful for the freedom he has as an American — which allow him to decide what he puts into his body. Vaccination is not mandatory for Olympians.

The committee regulations do state athletes must wear masks, avoid public transportation and minimize physical interactions. The Olympics will be providing shuttles to get participants to and from the Olympic village.

“But I am grateful for the freedoms I have as an American, getting to represent the greatest country on earth. Going to the games not only unvaccinated, but as an American, I’m representing my country in multiple ways and the freedoms we have to make a decision like that.”

The athlete explained that he is not "anti-vax," but is making a personal "educated decision" about this one.

“This is the first time I really received, I guess, like hate messages kind of things. It’s been pretty interesting,” Andrew said.

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