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WATCH: Former CNN Host Chris Cuomo Says He’s 'Open' to Voting for Trump

WATCH: Former CNN Host Chris Cuomo Says He’s 'Open' to Voting for Trump

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo now says he is "open" to voting for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

Cuomo famously spent much of his time on his old network attacking the former president, even calling him the "worst president we have ever seen. Period," in 2020.

After being fired, Cuomo has seemed to try and appear more impartial and unbiased.

Appearing on Patrick Bet-David's podcast, Cuomo expressed that he will consider voting for Trump if it comes down to him versus President Joe Biden.

“We survived a Trump administration. Would we survive another? Yes,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo said that there is no greater risk to America with Trump as president than with Biden and that there are some threats we currently face that were not an issue under the previous administration.

“And for people who are now going to attack me and say, what are you talking about? Trump is like this crazy man. Well, look, you know, as Patrick says, the data is the data. Nobody was trying to kill us when Trump was president in a way that they’re not now,” Cuomo said.

Cuomo added, “Existentially, I’m not afraid of a Trump presidency. Existentially, I’m not afraid of another Biden presidency because unlike many people in America, I believe that the country is much stronger than any individual leader.”

“We survived the Russia thing. We survived January 6. We survived having Biden as a gaff machine. We survived Congress going after each other and doing nothing for the rest of us. We survive these things. Are we better for it? No," he continued. “Should we be doing things differently? Yes. I think it happens. I don’t know when.”

When asked if that meant he might vote for Trump, Cuomo said that he needs to see where we are at that moment in time.

“I am always open. And I’ll tell you this. People say, oh, bullshit. You’ve never voted for a Republican in your life. Wrong.” Cuomo claimed, “And not only have I—the first vote I ever cast was for a Republican.”

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