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Van Jones Says Republicans 'Not Afraid' Of Biden

The CNN host said Democrats should be worried about a lack of Republican fear

Van Jones Says Republicans 'Not Afraid' Of Biden

CNN's Van Jones said Republicans are not afraid of President Joe Biden and warned Democrats that was a "worrying sign."

The CNN host made his remark during last night's coverage of the New Hampshire primary on the network.

Jones said Trump's "strength" and "resilience" was a reflection on Biden's "fragility."

“Republicans are not afraid of Joe Biden," he said. "They’re not afraid. They don’t think that by putting up somebody this damaged, frankly this deranged, this many deficits, is going to hurt them at all — because the polls show over and over again that even with 978 felonies, he’s still neck and neck with Biden.”

"There are some worrying signs for Trump, but there’s pretty worrying signs for Democrats — that they’re not afraid," Jones added.

The CNN host also suggested Trump looked "weak" for not debating fellow GOP contender and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

“There’s a woman that says ‘I want to getcha. I want to debate with you.’ And he looks weak running from one person,” Jones said, though conceded the former president's decision to skip earlier Republican primary debates was an effective strategy. “Say, look, ‘I don’t want to be involved in the big circus with a bunch of nobodies,’ but I don’t know that that doesn’t wind up giving her a little bit more to say.”

Trump defeated Haley in last night's New Hampshire primary, securing over 54% of total votes cast in the state compared to Haley's 43%. Trump's victory follows his landslide victory in last week's Iowa caucus when he secured nearly 51% of the vote, leading runner up GOP candidate Ron DeSantis by nearly 30 points. Haley came in third trailing DeSantis by two percent in last week's caucus.

On Sunday, DeSantis suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Trump for re-election following Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy's endorsement of the former president after suspending his presidential campaign the night of the Iowa caucus.

Haley congratulated Trump's victory in New Hampshire, though insisted her campaign would move on to the upcoming Nevada primary on Feb. 8.

"I want to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory tonight. He earned it and I want to acknowledge that," Haley told her camp following last night's results. "New Hampshire is first in the nation. It is not last in the nation. This race is far from over. There are dozens of states left to go. And next one is my sweet state of South Carolina."

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