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Trump Vows To Cut Funding From Schools With CRT Curriculums

'This is what must be done to save our country from destruction'

Trump Vows To Cut Funding From Schools With CRT Curriculums

Former President Donald Trump vowed to immediately sign an executive order (EO) to cut funding for schools with curriculums containing Critical Race Theory (CRT) upon taking office for his second term.

Trump made his remarks during a rally in Racine, Wisconsin on Tuesday.

“On day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding of any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political onto the lives of our children,” Trump told the Wisconsin crowd, receiving a massive applause. “And I will not give one penny to a school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate."

“And I will keep … some of these things [are] embarrassing to say … I will keep men out of women’s sports," the former president continued. "Why would you have to say that? You go back 10-15 years, and somebody would say, ‘What’s that all about?'”

“This is what must be done to save our country from destruction,” Trump added.

Trump originally indicated he would cut federal funding from schools teaching CRT during a March 2023 campaign stop in Iowa.

“I said the other day I will bring back parental rights into our school system, and the place went crazy,” he said at the time. “As president, I’ll fight to expand that right to every single state in America.”

Last month, Trump panned President Joe Biden's April changes to Title IX, which newly cover discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

“We’re gonna end it on day one,” Trump said during a radio appearance on Kayal and Company. “Don’t forget, that was done as an order from the president. That came down as an executive order. And we’re gonna change it — on day one it’s gonna be changed.”

“It’ll be signed on day one. It’ll be terminated," Trump reiterated.

In 2021, Biden signed an EO declaring "all students should be guaranteed an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including discrimination in the form of sexual harassment, which encompasses sexual violence, and including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”

“For students attending schools and other educational institutions that receive Federal financial assistance, this guarantee is codified, in part, in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,” Biden's EO read.

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