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Trump Leading Among Hispanic and Young Voters as Biden Hemorrhages Support

Trump Leading Among Hispanic and Young Voters as Biden Hemorrhages Support

Former President Donald Trump is now leading among Hispanic and young voters as President Joe Biden continues to hemorrhage support from both demographics.

A new poll from USA Today and Suffolk University found that Biden's support among Hispanic voters has tumbled from 65 percent in 2020 to just 34 percent today.

Trump comes out ahead with 39 percent.

"The president has also lost support from Black voters. After carrying 87 percent support in the demographic in 2020, Biden now has just 63 percent, the survey found," according to a report from The Hill.

Trump has support from 12 percent of black voters, the exact same percentage as in 2020.

"Although Trump hasn't grown support among Black voters, he has closed the deficit because third-party voters come off of Biden's support among Blacks," David Paleologos, director of Suffolk's Political Research Center, told USA Today. "A young voter or a person of color voting 'third party' is a vote away from President Biden, and a vote away from President Biden is a vote for Donald Trump."

Voters 35 and younger have also swung towards the likely Republican nominee.

"In 2020, Biden crushed Trump by 24 points among the group. But the survey found that Trump now leads among voters under 35 with 37 percent support to Biden’s 33 percent," the report stated.

Not all of the voters running away from Biden are going to Trump, however, with 20 percent of Hispanic and black voters and 21 percent of younger voters saying they will support someone other than them.

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is leading among third-party candidates with 10 percent.

Biden is also facing a deep lack of enthusiasm among his voters, a problem Trump is not facing.

"In the poll, 44% of Trump supporters describe themselves as a '10' on a thermometer measuring enthusiasm, the highest possible level. Among Biden supporters, fewer than half that number, 18%, call themselves a '10,'" the USA Today report noted.

"Donald Trump, he has integrity," poll respondent Joyce Masumoto, 78, a Republican from Orange County, California, told the pollsters. "Biden and the Democrats − always bringing up Donald Trump. He's not even doing anything and they're blaming things on himself."

The poll was conducted Dec. 26-29 among 1,000 likely voters. It has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

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