2024 Election /

Trump Campaign Advisor Says Former President Already Won Debate

Chris LaCivita described the debate as 'An Audition To Be A Part Of President Trump's Team In His Second Term'

Trump Campaign Advisor Says Former President Already Won Debate

Senior advisor to former President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign Chris LaCivita said Trump has "already won" tonight's debate because "everything is going to be about him."

The first Republican presidential debate will be hosted by Fox News tonight in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"President Trump has already won this evening's debate because everything is going to be about him," LaCivita wrote in a press release from Trump's campaign, adding the former president was the only candidate who could take on President Biden in the upcoming election. "Republican voters recognize this, hence President Trump's 62-16 lead in the GOP primary."

"You should also expect the Fox hosts to show an unnatural obsession with President Trump tonight, asking other Republican candidates over and over to react to President Trump's policy positions," he continued. "In fact, we will be tallying the number of times President Trump's name is brought up, and his total speaking time, even though he is not in attendance."

"When the other candidates do get a chance to speak, they will be a faint echo, or maybe even a copycat, of President Trump's Make America Great Again agenda," he added.

LaCivita continued:

That's because President Trump's first four years in office were the most consequential - and led to the best economy - in American history. Nobody at tonight's gathering can match the big ideas and bold policy agenda President Trump has already laid out in the run-up to 2024, including details on how he will reduce inflation, unleash American energy, seal the Border and destroy the drug cartels, clean up our crime-ridden cities, and stop the killing in Ukraine.

He concluded by saying, "Tonight's Republican undercard event really shouldn't even be called a debate, but rather an audition to be a part of President Trump's team in his second term."

Former President Trump will air a previously recorded interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson tonight in lieu of attending the debate.

Tomorrow, Trump is scheduled to turn himself in to Fulton County Jail following his Georgia indictment by district attorney Fani Willis earlier this month.

Every individual charged, including Trump, is charged with one count of violating the RICO Act in Fulton County and elsewhere “to accomplish the illegal goal of allowing Donald J Trump to seize the presidential term of office, beginning on January, 2021,” said Willis.

Defendants have been given the opportunity to voluntarily surrender no later than noon on Aug. 25.

Former New York City Mayor and attorney for President Trump during the 2020 presidential election Rudy Giuliani turned himself in to Fulton County Jail on Wednesday.

“Isn’t that nice? A mug shot for the man who probably put the worst criminals of the 20th century in jail?" Giuliani said. "You find a prosecutor who has a better record than mine in the last hundred years — I bet you don’t, or a mayor."

Giuliani issued a warning: “Whether you dislike or you like Donald Trump … they’re gonna come for you.”

He continued:

When the political winds shift, as they always do, let us pray that Republicans are more honest, more trustworthy, and more American than these people in charge of this government. Because if our government is conducted this way, and the system of justice is politicized and criminalized for politics, your rights are in jeopardy and your children’s. Donald Trump told you this: they weren’t just coming for him, or me. Now they’ve indicted people, in this case I don’t even know who they are.

“These are just regular people making a normal living. They’re going to bankrupt them. They won’t convict them.”

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