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'So Great': Trump Comments On Afroman's 'Hunter Got High'

Baste Records: 'Vote in-person today by purchasing directly from iTunes or Amazon'

'So Great': Trump Comments On Afroman's 'Hunter Got High'

Former President Donald Trump praised rapper Afroman's latest viral track, "Hunter Got High."

Afroman's reprisal of his 2000 classic "Because I Got High," which humorously describes a chronic cannabis smoker's inability to carry out mundane tasks because he's constantly high. Similar to the vein of Afroman's original track, "Hunter Got High" mocks President Joe Biden's son's controversial escapades, including the infamous "laptop from hell" and mysterious cocaine found at the White House last summer.

As of Monday morning, "Hunter Got High" has just under 2 million views on YouTube.

The former president praised the latest offering from Afroman and Nashville’s Baste Records late last week in response to Newsweek's coverage of the track.

"So great!" Trump wrote on a printed copy of the article along with his signature obtained by Baste Records.

Since its late-April release, the track has peaked on charts including No. 5 on iTunes and No. 8 on Billboard's Hip-Hop charts. Baste Records noted the year-old record label faced an uphill battle with legacy chart aggregators and encouraged fans to purchase the song directly from iTunes and Amazon's digital store to bolster the song's viral success.

"Despite the music industry being gate kept by a group of corrupt and woke corporations who kowtow for the Biden administration, Baste Records and Afroman's 'Hunter Got High' has achieved Billboard status with a No. 8 on both the R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales and Rap Digital Song Sales lists," Baste Records wrote Sunday. "We were able to achieve this by bypassing the streaming system which is rigged against right-wing counter-culture artists. Streaming as an industry is based on a model where people steal intellectual property from artists. Streaming is the mail-in ballot of the music industry."

"Let’s save the country and continue exposing the Bidens. Vote in-person today by purchasing directly from iTunes or Amazon," the Nashville record label added.

Afroman said he may perform the track at future Trump rallies.

"Some people are above the law while regular people have to obey it," he told Newsweek. "When you lay the facts out about Hunter, it's just a little funny, so we wrote a parody song to have fun with life and politics."

The rapper said he has seen overwhelming praise for his track with minimal criticism.

"I've only seen one negative comment and a lot of laughing faces and thumbs up," Afroman continued. "But the backlash is out there, because the universe has to balance itself out."

"He may be bigger than my song, but if he does sue, as long as he doesn't take all the money, he can have some, because he inspired the song," the rapper added of Hunter Biden.

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