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Sharon Osbourne Says She Donated $900K to Black Lives Matter 'Scam' and Wants a Refund (VIDEO)

Sharon Osbourne Says She Donated $900K to Black Lives Matter 'Scam' and Wants a Refund (VIDEO)

Sharon Osbourne agrees with Kanye West's assertion that Black Lives Matter was a scam and says she wants a refund on the $900K she donated to the organization.

TMZ spotted the former host of The Talk while she was out shopping at Yves Saint Laurent on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

The photographer asked Osbourne what she thought about West's "White Lives Matter" shirt and his social media posts.

West has been the subject of controversy this month over the shirts that he highlighted at his Paris Fashion Week show, calling BLM a "scam" on social media, and appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss his pro-life and pro-God views.

On Tuesday, West wrote on Instagram that "everyone knows that Black Lives Matter was a scam now it’s over you’re welcome."

"Everyone wants to cancel him, what do you think?" the paparazzi asked Osbourne.

Osbourne was fired from CBS's daytime talk show "The Talk" in 2021 for supporting Piers Morgan after he was accused of racism over his criticisms of Meghan Markle. The firing prompted her to become quite outspoken against "Cancel Culture," including appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss it.

Responding to the question, Osbourne appeared confused about why it is controversial to say that white lives matter.

"I don’t understand why white lives don’t matter. I don’t understand it. It’s not my culture," she said. "Everybody matters, don’t they?"

When asked if she agreed with West's claim that Black Lives Matter is a "scam," Osbourne was quick to agree.

"Well, we gave $900,000 to [Black Lives Matter], and I’d like my money back please," Osbourne asserted. "Wish he could have said that before."

Osbourne also did not hesitate to say that the rapper should not be "canceled" for his beliefs.

"You can't stop people from living their lives and doing what they do," Osbourne said.

Instead of "canceling" him, Osbourne suggested that the people who do not like what he has to say should just ignore him.

"Don’t go to his social media. Don’t listen to his music," she said. "Leave the guy alone. Let him do what he does, and if you don’t like him, do that."

"Leave him alone."


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