2024 Election /

Sen. Cruz Predicts Harris Will Assume Presidency Before Biden's Term Ends

'I think if they can bully Joe Biden into doing it, it’ll happen'

Sen. Cruz Predicts Harris Will Assume Presidency Before Biden's Term Ends

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz predicted President Joe Biden would leave office before his term is up in January.

Cruz, who predicted Biden would not be the Democratic nominee last year, made his remarks during a Monday episode of his podcast.

“So, I’m going to make another prediction, and it’s not one that I want to have happen,” Cruz told his co-host Ben Ferguson. “I’m going to put the odds at 40% that Joe Biden resigns between now and Election Day.”

“I think there are going to be very serious discussions in the White House by all the partisans whose paycheck is written by continuing the regime,” he continued. “Everyone who stays in power is going to say, you know, if you say your health has reached a point that you need to step aside.”

Ferguson said Vice President Kamala Harris serving out the remainder of Biden's term would be a "huge advantage" for her in this November's election.

“Which is why I think they will have a very serious discussion," Cruz said. "I think if they can bully Joe Biden into doing it, it’ll happen.”



Biden officially ended his bid for reelection in late July, an event which Cruz predicted would happen in August prior to the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

Cruz went on to claim Democrats would "immediately start carving him on Rushmore, figuratively speaking, the Rushmore of socialists.”

“Joe Biden would permanently, look, he aspires to be the next FDR,” Cruz said at the time. “And part of how Democrats would get him to step down is by saying, ‘By doing this, you’re the next FDR; by doing this, you’re George Washington, stepping down … You’re demonstrating the ultimate statesmen principle.'”

The Texas senator then suggested former First Lady Michelle Obama could become the Democratic nominee in place of Biden.

"Michelle Obama, because she was first lady, has the ability to parachute in above all four and say we’re not picking among any of you, you guys can all fight it out next time, we’re coming, this is the Obamas saving the day," Cruz said. "In terms of a solution that unifies Democrats, there ain’t nothing like that. I also think Michelle is not all that eager to run for president, but to parachute in a couple of months before and suddenly wake up and be president, not a bad gig."

Cruz then suggested former President Barack Obama currently played a secret influential role in the Biden administration.

"I think he is already the puppet master behind this Biden White House," he continued. "I don’t think Joe Biden is the decision maker so when I see the media turning on Joe Biden right now, I think the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in in August 2024 have risen dramatically, and that ought to scare the hell out of anyone who is unhappy with the direction this country is going."

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