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Rep. Thomas Massie Says His Office Will Not Comply With DC Vaccine Mandate

Rep. Thomas Massie Says His Office Will Not Comply With DC Vaccine Mandate

Rep. Thomas Massie has announced that his office will not be complying with the DC vaccine mandate that goes into effect at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Massie said in a tweet that "shame has befallen our nation's capital."

"The DC vaccine mandate kicks in this weekend. My office will not comply. We will not show papers. We will not order takeout from restaurants that require papers for dine in. We will get our food from Virginia or we will bring it to work. Shame has befallen our nation’s capital," Massie wrote.

Per the mandate, anyone over 12-years-old will have to provide proof of vaccination to enter gyms, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs.

The first phase of the mandate, beginning this weekend, will require people to only show that they have had at least one dose of the vaccine. Starting February 15, the mandate will be bumped up to requiring proof of two doses.

Some local businesses in the city are taking things further, requiring proof of a booster.

"You won’t need to show proof of vaccination to stay in a D.C. hotel, per the mandate, but you will need to show proof of vaccination to use the hotel’s common space, fitness facilities, or its bar or restaurant. Some hotels may choose to require vaccination, independently of the city’s mandate," according to a report from DCist.

Museums, churches, grocery stores, and retail stores are exempt from the mandate, except in situations where people will be sitting for extended periods — if they host a performance or reading for example.

"If a house of worship, for example, is rented out for a non-religious event like a performance or presentation, guests would be required to show proof of vaccination," the DCist report states.

A large protest called “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming,” is planning a march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial on January 23 in opposition to the mandate.

The organizers claim that they expect 20,000 people to participate.

Announced speakers include Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Robert Malone, and Lara Logan.

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