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NYC Council Member Claims Gays Against Groomers Vandalized Office, Organization Responds

'All Of Our Members Are In Phoenix Right Now, But Nice Try'

NYC Council Member Claims Gays Against Groomers Vandalized Office, Organization Responds

Gays Against Groomers, an organization that opposes the sexualization of children, responded to New York City Council Member Erik Bottcher's Monday accusation of vandalism.

Gays Against Groomers had shared a myriad of photos from their AmFest booth hosted by Turning Point USA in Phoenix, Arizona throughout the weekend.

"All of our members are in Phoenix right now, but nice try," the organization responded to the council member.

"But we will say, if you're more worried about some marker on your walls and the sidewalks rather than children being sexualized by predators, we don't feel that bad for you, Erik."

"Today people who call themselves 'gays against groomers' vandalized the hallway outside our district office," Bottcher said Monday, sharing photos featuring "B----er" written several times down a hallway.

"We will not be cowed. We will not be silenced. We will continue to stand up against hate,” he wrote.

"This is what the anti-Drag Story Hour mob subjected my staff to at our office, before they vandalized the hallway," Bottcher said, sharing a video of alleged vandals asking "how come you don't have firefighters," or "circus clowns reading to the kids?"

"Are you grooming in there, Erik?" asked the alleged vandal. "Some gay people in the community don't approve of that, and I'm one of them."

Another alleged vandal chimed in, mentioning Gays Against Groomers saying, "they don't approve of this at all, and they're national."

"This is not okay," Bottcher said.

On Saturday, Bottcher shared a video of protestors demonstrating Drag Queen Story Hour outside Andrew Heiskell Public Library in Chelsea, New York.

One woman is seen in the video holding a sign that reads, “stop the nonsense there are only 2 genders.

Another man is similarly featured with a sign saying, "Stop grooming kids for sex."

Counter-protesters in support of the event are featured towards the end of the video chanting "we love the drag queens, we love drag story hour."

"Today I witnessed pure hatred and bigotry outside Drag Queen Story Hour at a public library in Chelsea," said New York City Council member Erik Bottcher in a tweet. “Inside, I witnessed a loving and peaceful reading of children’s books to kids. Warning: this video contains foul language and hate speech."

"This is outrageous. Completely outrageous," said New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

"Erik, you stand up for our city every single day and these cowardly bigots have no place here. Thank you to the NYPD for your quick work and sending the message that this hate will not go unchallenged."

"I stand with my friend [Erik Bottcher], Drag Queen Story Hour, and the LGBTQ+ community against this disgusting display of hate," said New York House representative Jerry Nadler, echoing Mayor Adam's sentiment.

"Elected officials have a responsibility to condemn this false, dangerous rhetoric that's being used as a new way to discriminate against the community."

Gays Against Groomers posted a meme suggesting the Council Member was faking the incident similar to Empire actor Jussie Smollett's 2019 "this is MAGA country" claim.

"Oh I bet they were wearing MAGA hats on the way to Subway too right?!?" said one user.

"Who vandalizes with a crayon?" said another user.

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