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Mom Fired After Speaking Out Against LGBT Curriculum During School Board Meeting Says She Would Do It Again

Janet Roberson: 'To Speak The Truth And To Stand For Freedom And For What Our Constitution Stands For — 100%'

Mom Fired After Speaking Out Against LGBT Curriculum During School Board Meeting Says She Would Do It Again

A Californian mother of three who was fired from her job after speaking out against LGBT curriculum during an April school board meeting has said she would do it again.

During a Benicia Unified School District board meeting in April, Janet Roberson expressed concern over a curriculum regarding gender identity in classrooms. Eleven days after her comments at the board meeting, the parent was dismissed from her position as an independent contractor with New York based real estate company Compass.

“I would do it again,” Roberson said during a recent interview with The Daily Wire. “For me to lose a job is horrible and not okay, but I would be willing to do it again. Absolutely."

"To speak the truth and to stand for freedom and for what our Constitution stands for — 100%.”

Two local newspapers, the Vallejo Times-Herald and The Benicia Independent, published letters critical of Roberson. Former City Council candidate Billy Innes claimed the contractor was a direct employee of Compass and said Roberson delivered a "lengthy, bigoted diatribe denouncing … gender-inclusionary language" in her April 20 school board remarks, further claiming the mother promoted racism, transphobia, "anti-COVID safety," and "content that favors Eugenics.”

Nathalie Christian, the treasurer of the Progressive Democrats of Benicia and self-described story coordinator for The Benicia Independent, said Roberson had an “anti-equity, anti-trans, anti-Black, and anti-choice … agenda." Christian further suggested Roberson be fired or punished by Compass and further questioned the company's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices, per The Daily Wire.

“I just randomly got a call on May 1 — which was the deadline date that the treasurer of the Progressive Democrats had given — from the regional corporate director,” Roberson continued. “He said, ‘Well, Janet, I’m calling to say you can no longer do business as a Compass agent.’ And I was — my heart just dropped."

She added: "I was absolutely devastated."

Roberson continued:

I said, “My performance is great, my sales have been stellar, I’m an earner, I’m working so hard and I’m making money for the company.” And he said, “This has nothing to do with business.” And that really shocked me, and I said, “Well, that says all you need to say right there. If you’re saying this has nothing to do with business, what does this have to do with?” And he said — I don’t remember his exact words, but words to the effect of, well, the past week has been a lot.

“Children are asked to identify their pronouns; and this is now part of the 10-year-old curriculum,” Roberson told the school board on April 20. “We are alarmed that gender identity is being discussed in math classes. This takes time from core learning and does not benefit the students or our community. Teaching kids that there isn’t any standard or truth and you can believe anything you want to believe is not scientifically accurate or medically correct. For example, the notion that a girl can decide to be a boy, or a boy can decide to be a girl, is not true and should not be taught.”

Compass, who said in an X post that their "decision to disassociate [Roberson’s] license was made at the request of her team’s owner,” has reportedly received criticism over the mother's removal.

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