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Michael Knowles Says 'No Christian Principle' That People Of Faith Cannot Vote For A Sinner

Rob Reiner: 'How in God's name can anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus support Donald Trump?'

Michael Knowles Says 'No Christian Principle' That People Of Faith Cannot Vote For A Sinner

The Daily Wire's Michael Knowles commented on critics suggesting Christians cannot vote former President Donald Trump for re-election.

During a Wednesday broadcast of The Michael Knowles Show, the conservative host commented on a recent remark from actor and director Rob Reiner who asked how Christians could support Trump.

Reiner, who has been a vocal critic of Trump and conservatives largely, shared his criticism in a Tuesday X post.

"Jesus told us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you," Reiner wrote. "How in God's name can anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus support Donald Trump?"


"Is Rob Reiner, and all these libs, are they asking how a Christian can vote for a sinner?" Knowles asked. "Are they saying that Donald Trump fails to live up to the Christian ideal of life—he's a sinner—and so therefore, you can't vote for him?"

The Daily Wire host said Reiner's suggestion was moot as per Christian belief because all people are sinners.

"All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and therefore we're not going to save ourselves and we're in need of a savior, not a political savior either," he said.

Knowles said it was nice to have "good politicians every now and again," though reiterated Christians seek a "king of the whole universe" rather than "king of the country."

"We can't vote for sinners, we can't vote for anybody," he added.



The Daily Wire host questioned if Reiner believed Christians could not vote for non-Christian politicians.

"Rob Reiner is not a Christian, does that mean we can't vote for him?" Knowles joked. "Vivek Ramaswamy is not a Christian, that means we can't vote for him?"

Knowles also noted the United States Constitution does not prescribe a religious test of faith to hold political office.

"It would be good to have a more Christian-informed government. I'm all for that," he conceded, though added Reiner was engaged in an "Alinsky" tactic.

"He is forcing his opponent to live according to their own principles, their own ideals," Knowles continued. "Principles and ideals that they would never cause themselves to live up to."

The Daily Wire host said Reiner's suggestion was "incoherent."

"There is no Christian principle that says you can't vote for a sinner," Knowles said. "We wouldn't have a government anymore."

Trump handily won Monday night's Iowa caucus securing 51% of the vote in the state nearly 30 points ahead of fellow GOP candidates Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley.

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