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Mexico Has Cut Migrant Flow To U.S. To Help Biden In the 2024 Election

In exchange, Mexico's president wants $20 billion, an end to the blockade on Cuba, and the removal of sanctions on Venezuela

Mexico Has Cut Migrant Flow To U.S. To Help Biden In the 2024 Election

Why are the sky-high numbers of illegal aliens entering the U.S. now plummeting?

The Biden administration is negotiating a multi-billion-dollar deal with Mexico to clamp down on migrants to boost his image ahead of the 2024 election, according to new reporting from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

Illegal border crossings of foreign nationals in the first weeks of January dropped by as much as 70 percent, wrote Todd Bensman, Senior National security Fellow at CIS, citing government data that was shared with him by a source who requested anonymity.

Immigration is a major flashpoint in U.S. politics and could spell disaster for President Joe Biden, who seeks to extend his stay in the White House by winning this year’s presidential election.

Millions of illegal aliens have entered the U.S. since Biden took office in January 2021. Within the first eight months of his tenure, illegal migration soared to the third-highest level in nearly 100 years.

Now, Democrat-run cities are being overrun by migrants and are buckling under the financial, logistical, and political pressure to end the crisis. Democratic mayors of five cities recently pleaded with Biden for $5 billion to address the migrant surge.

As stated in the CIS report, “Biden’s motivating drive in reopening migration-related diplomacy with Mexico amid days of 14,000 apprehensions that ended with a historic 300,000 in December is to get those giant numbers and terrible visuals out of the headlines ahead of an election many predict will be won or lost on thin margins.”

Mexico’s government is now rounding up migrants in the country’s north and is shipping them to southern cities like Tapachula and Villahermosa. “Tens of thousands are filling those southern provinces now,” wrote Bensman.

“Illegal traffic into Eagle Pass [Texas] today continues, but in fractional volumes of what they were in the fall,” he explained.

To catch fleeing migrants, authorities are also installing new road checkpoints, similar to those found in the Gaza Strip, Bensman wrote.

Mexico has now ramped up deportations, sending migrants back to their home countries.

A major migrant camp across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas has been bulldozed, and anti-pedestrian trenches have been dug to deny access to widely used crossings into the U.S.

According to local media reports, the Mexican military has ordered a blockade of rail yards that have been responsible for shipping countless numbers of migrants to the U.S. border.

The Chihuahua Herald wrote that “Migrants reported that it is extremely difficult for them to get to Mexico, since the authorities, including Migration and the National Guard, stop their advance along the train tracks,” as part of the crackdown.

According to the CIS report, an unnamed source affiliated with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency says that the operations will only continue through the November election.

In exchange for his country’s cooperation, Mexico’s president has asked for $20 billion to be shared by his country and several others. He is also asking the U.S. to legalize millions of Hispanics who are currently in the U.S. illegally, suspend the blockade of Cuba, and remove sanctions against Venezuela.

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