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Major Democrat Donors Freeze $90 Million in Pledges to Largest Biden Super PAC Until He Agrees to Exit Race

The frozen donations reportedly include 'multiple eight-figure commitments.'

Major Democrat Donors Freeze $90 Million in Pledges to Largest Biden Super PAC Until He Agrees to Exit Race

Major Democrat donors have frozen $90 million in pledged donations to Future Forward, the largest Biden Super PAC until the president agrees to exit the race.

According to a report from the New York Times, the frozen donations include "multiple eight-figure commitments."

"The decision to withhold such enormous sums of money is one of the most concrete examples of the fallout from Mr. Biden’s poor debate performance at the end of June," the report states.

The Times report cited two unnamed sources who only agreed to speak to the paper under the condition of anonymity.

The report explains:

The two people briefed on the frozen pledges declined to say which individual donors were pulling back promised checks, which were estimated to total around or above $90 million. It was not clear how much of the pledged money was earmarked for Future Forward’s super PAC versus its nonprofit arm, which has also been running advertising in key battleground states. The super PAC has been shying away from making major strategic decisions until it gets clarity on who will be atop the ticket, according to a separate person close to the group.

The cash freeze comes as some advisers around Mr. Biden are discussing how to persuade the president to exit the race, and as his campaign has begun to test Vice President Kamala Harris in head-to-head surveys of voters against former President Donald J. Trump. The number of congressional Democrats calling for Mr. Biden to step aside is growing by the day.

During a press conference on Thursday, Biden reaffirmed his commitment to staying in the race. He referred to Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump" during the event.

“I believe I’m the best qualified to govern…and I think I’m the best qualified to win," Biden asserted at the press conference.

Speaking at a NATO event earlier in the day, Biden introduced Ukranian President Vladimir Zelenskyy as "President Putin."

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