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Biden Campaign Chair: 'If We Can Get Through These Two Weeks ... We Can Get Through Anything'

She also told campaign staff to tune out the 'crazy f-cking gossip land world.'

Biden Campaign Chair: 'If We Can Get Through These Two Weeks ... We Can Get Through Anything'

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, did not hold back about the tough time the campaign has been having during an all-staff phone call on Thursday.

O'Malley Dillon reportedly told the campaign staff to tune out the "crazy f-cking gossip land world."

“We had two very, very, very hard weeks, very bad weeks. I told you I’d level with you, they’ve been bad fucking weeks,” O’Malley Dillon told the staff, according to a report from Axios. “This two-week window has really sucked, and it is hard, there is no doubt about it. And it’s hard for all of us because we are doing the job.”

The campaign chair also tried to inspire the group by quoting advisor Mike Donilon, saying, "He’s never seen a presidential candidate have more thrown at him than Joe Biden, and do you know what Joe Biden does every day? He gets up, and he keeps fighting.”

“If we can get through these two weeks that we’re living through, we can get through anything,” she said.

O'Malley Dillon added that after the debate, "we definitely saw a little bit of slippage, but nothing significant, nothing massive, no bottom falling out."

"What you are seeing in the public polling in the last couple days is what we are seeing in our polls. What we are seeing is that this is still a margin of error race."

She claimed key swing states "are in play. They were in play before the debate. They are in play now, and they are just going to require us to do the work" and that she is "bullish" on flipping North Carolina for Biden.

A campaign spokesperson told Axios, “If you needed a reminder for why we are in this fight, Jen provided just that tonight with the confidence and energy that matters to the team that has moved their lives to save democracy from Trump and re-elect Joe Biden.”

Calls for Biden to be replaced as the Democrat nominee have grown from whispers to roars ever since his debate performance, which was widely panned as a complete disaster.

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