Poll /

Just 19 Percent of Biden Voters Believe Society Should Prioritize Family

Nearly 90 percent believe abortion should be legal in 'most' or 'all' cases.

Just 19 Percent of Biden Voters Believe Society Should Prioritize Family

According to a new poll, just 19 percent of President Joe Biden's supporters believe society should prioritize marriage and children.

The Pew Research Center study also found that 88 percent of Biden voters believe abortion should be legal in "most" or "all" cases.

"Roughly four-in-ten registered voters (39%) say society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority, while a majority (59%) say society is just as well off if people have priorities other than family and children," the pollsters report.

Supporters of former President Donald Trump are far more likely than Biden supporters to say it is better for society if people prioritize family, 59% to 19%.

There are also differences in priorities among racial lines.

"Black voters who support Biden (29%) are more likely than White (17%) and Hispanic (16%) Biden supporters to say an emphasis on marriage and family makes society better off. Two-in-ten Asian voters who back Biden say this," the pollsters found.

Additionally, just 23% of Biden voters said that declining birth rates in America are "bad for society," half said they were "neither good nor bad," and 27% said they were good for society.

Trump supporters, especially men, had different views on the issue.

"Nearly half of Trump supporters (47%), including a 56% majority of men who support Trump, say it is bad for society that people are having fewer children. Roughly four-in-ten women who support Trump (37%) see this trend as a bad thing."

When it comes to abortion, the procedure enjoys overwhelming support from Biden voters.

Pew reports:

Abortion deeply divides supporters of Biden and Trump. About nine-in-ten Biden supporters (88%) say abortion should be legal in most (46%) or all (42%) cases. Just 11% of Biden supporters say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

Conversely, about six-in-ten Trump supporters (61%) say abortion should be illegal in all (11%) or most (50%) cases. A significant minority of Trump supporters say abortion should be legal in most or all cases (38%).

Out of 9,527 who were sampled, 8,709 panelists responded, according to PRC. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.

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