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Kevin McCarthy Launches Republican Strategy 'Commitment To America'

The House Minority Leader's Plan Is Reminiscent Of Newt Gingrich's 1994 'Contract With America'

Kevin McCarthy Launches Republican Strategy 'Commitment To America'

Republican House minority leader Kevin McCarthy released a video on Thursday advertising a Republican plan to win midterm elections in November.

The Commitment to America is a Republican strategy designed to address concerns of inflation, violent crime, illegal border crossing and a failing education system amid COVID-19 measures. 

“They're in charge. This is their record,” McCarthy says in the advertisement, noting the White House and Washington D.C. are currently controlled by Democrats. The Commitment to America is designed to “get America back on track,” as the House Minority leader declares the plan focuses on strengthening the economy, ensuring financial stability for families along with a children-first orientation, making communities safer via accountable law enforcement, and holding politicians accountable.

"The American people cannot afford another two years of Democrat control. It's time to get our country back on track. That is the Republican Commitment to America," the House Minority leader said in the video's post on Twitter.

The plan will also reportedly seek to include a Parents Bill of Rights and will repeal the IRS' new agents.

McCarthy’s Commitment to America is reminiscent of former Republican Minority Whip Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract with America which similarly sought to hold politicians accountable. It also promised audits on congressional spending; reduction in House committees and term limits for chairs; bans on proxy voting; requiring meetings be publicly accessible; a three-fifths majority to pass tax increases; and implementing zero base-line budgeting to hold the Federal Budget accountable. The Contract with America appeared to prove successful for campaigning Republicans who garnered 54 House and 9 Senate seats resulting in a Republican majority in both chambers of congress — a feat which had not been accomplished in 40 years. 

Earlier this year, Republican Florida Senator Rick Scott introduced his own 12-point plan, Rescue America, which addressed issues the House Minority leader previously mentioned. Scott’s plan is a political agenda mapping out Republican’s strategy to win midterms this November along with a guideline of policies the party should implement if successful this election. The Republican plan focuses on education, color blind equality, safety and crime, immigration, economical growth, government reform and debt, fair fraud-free elections, a rejection of the current narrative on gender equality, Big tech and religious liberty, America first, and cutting taxes.

President Biden referred to Rick Scott and supporters of Rescue America as "Ultra-MAGA" shortly after the plan's announcement. Later, the President referred to Trump as the "Great MAGA King," and has continued to frame his political opponents in a negative light, saying "the extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress have chosen to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate and division," earlier this month in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during a Labor Day speech.

A string of Republican congressman have endorsed McCarthy's plan since the Thursday announcement, including New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace, and California Rep. Doug LaMalfa among others.

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