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Idaho Reportedly Offers Porn Literacy Program To Students Through Federal Funds

The Program Advocates Pornography As A 'Required Topic' For Educators

Idaho Reportedly Offers Porn Literacy Program To Students Through Federal Funds

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) is reportedly implementing a Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education curriculum in schools, according to a Tuesday report by the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

The report claims IDHW appropriates funds from federal programs, including the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE), to purchase sexual education material from the Planned Parenthood developed and endorsed Reduce the Risk (RTR) curriculum by non-profit organization Education, Training and Research (ETR), which public health districts are subsequently instructed to implement throughout public schools.

RTR reportedly emphasizes “LGBTQ Inclusive” instruction and was updated in 2020 to include “gender identity, sexual orientation and behavior” in their curriculum. The organization also recommends implementing education on pornography consumption, stating, "In addition to training, educators need community and institutional support, including policies and resources that support comprehensive sex education and the inclusion of pornography as a required topic," on their website.

The ETR also contradicts their previous statement on pornography, however, stating "there are concerns that young people are exposed to pornography prior to first sexual experience and that sexually explicit material may shape attitudes, values and behaviors related to sex," while also citing "the evidence is largely unclear whether sexually explicit media use influences future sexual health among adolescents" in their Kirby Summit Brief.

One "porn literacy" sponsored video designed for kids recommended by ETR and produced by AMAZE Org features a nude animated man and woman engaging in sexual activities and states, "being curious about sex or looking at pictures or films of naked bodies or people engaging in sexual behaviors is perfectly normal."

Sarah Diamond, Associate Director of Prevention and Education at the University of San Diego, reportedly cautions against stigmatizing porn consumption and instead advocates  for teaching students to reflect on their own values in regards to pornography, the outlet reported. Adolescent Programs Health Educator at San Ysidro Health Teen Clinic's, Jess Melendez, also advocates for incorporating pornography education beginning as early as elementary school and continuing into high school.

ETR's Reducing the Risk program is accessible through Idaho's North Central Health District’s website along with other resources for students on topics, including abortion, polyamory and gender transitions. Surveys about masturbation and other AMAZE Org videos feature similar depictions.

Central District Health (CDH) is reportedly working towards a wider implementation of ETR's program, according to their 2018-2022 strategic plan. CDH currently serves Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley counties.

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