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Elon Musk Compares George Soros To X-Men Villain

'He Wants To Erode The Very Fabric Of Civilization'

Elon Musk Compares George Soros To X-Men Villain

Twitter owner Elon Musk compared Hungarian-American businessman George Soros to an X-Men villain.

Musk's late-Monday post appeared unprovoked.

"Soros reminds me of Magneto," he tweeted, comparing the Hungarian-American businessman to the Marvel villain.

Pundit Brian Krassenstein responded to Musk's post by providing backstory for the X-Men villain.

"Fun fact: Magneto's experiences during the Holocaust as a survivor shaped his perspective as well as his depth and empathy," Krassenstein said in response to Musk. "Soros, also a Holocaust survivor, get's [sic] attacked nonstop for his good intentions which some Americans think are bad merely because they disagree with this political affiliations."

Musk doubled down on his initial statement, saying Krassenstein assumed Soros' intentions were good.

"They are not," he countered. "He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity."


Podcaster and Locals founder Dave Rubin agreed Soros' intentions weren't good.

"And even if they were his results are disastrous," Rubin continued. "He spends billions to upend western democracies, and funds chaos and mayhem in the streets of our cities."

"At least Magneto had a little good streak every now and again."

Supporters of Soros' efforts typically refer to criticism of the Hungarian-American as anti-semitic by noting his experience surviving Nazi occupation in Hungary and further suggesting criticism of Soros' power and influence is in line with Jewish stereotypes.

Soros has consistently donated to progressive Democratic campaigns across the country, most notably a string of recently elected district attorneys including New York County's Alvin Bragg, who assumed office in January 2022, along with Los Angeles County's George Gascón and San Francisco's Chesa Boudin, who both assumed office in January 2020.

Boudin faced a successful recall effort in June 2022 with just over 55% of constituents voting in favor of removing the district attorney from office.

Brooke Jenkins, who previously supported Boudin's recall attempt, was tapped to assume Boudin's role as interim district attorney by San Francisco Mayor London Breed between July and December 2022 before she was officially voted into office during November's special election with 53.7% of voter support.

Musk's efforts for transparency have been called into question following his recent appointment of Linda Yaccarino as Twitter's new CEO. Critics of the new CEO noted her involvement with the Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) where Yaccarino has served as an Executive Chair since January 2019.

The tech billionaire has previously expressed concern with the WEF, noting their influence on world politics and business.

“WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that people never asked for and don’t want," Musk said in response to a video of WEF members discussing the metaverse as a “great tool to reinvent” the way society functions.

Yaccarino is slated to assume her role as CEO in about six weeks.

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