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Detransitioner Chloe Cole Announces Lawsuit Against Kaiser Permanente

'I Was Fifteen When You Cut Into My Body, Ripped Out My Breasts And Stitched Me Back Up Like I Was Your Rag Doll’

Detransitioner Chloe Cole Announces Lawsuit Against Kaiser Permanente

Chloe Cole, a woman who previously identified as a transgender man, announced an official lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente for facilitating her gender transition.

Cole received a double mastectomy and was prescribed a series of off-label puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones as a minor through the medical provider.

In November 2022, the detransitioner filed a notice of intent to sue the hospital though was ignored for 90 days which left Cole with “no choice but to seek justice from a court of law,” the Daily Wire reported.

The Center for American Liberty, along with the Dhillon Law Group and LiMandri & Jonna LLP, are representing Cole and filed a lawsuit against the Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, and Kaiser Foundation hospitals.

The lawsuit alleges medical negligence in providing chemical and surgical interventions to facilitate Cole's sex change between the ages of 13-16, according to the outlet.

“Chloe’s family sought medical treatment for her at Kaiser,” said Harmeet K. Dhillon, attorney and CEO of the Center for American Liberty. “Her physicians and other medical professionals violated the first norm of the profession, the Hippocratic Oath, when, instead of caring for her and providing medically competent diagnoses and treatment, they permanently disfigured her for profit.”

“What happened to Chloe at Kaiser should never happen to any child in America, and the Center for American Liberty is committed to protecting children like Chloe,” she continued.

The lawsuit further alleges Cole was coerced into pursuing her sex change while "concealing less invasive treatments and by lying to her about her condition," according to a press release.

“I was fifteen when you cut into my body, ripped out my breasts and stitched me back up like I was your rag doll,” Cole said during a Thursday press conference in front of Kaiser Gender Pathways Clinic in Oakland, California, suggesting the hospital is “victimizing thousands of children” with “Mengele-style experiments.”

"You are on the wrong side of history and will always be remembered as child butchers," she continued. “Once I announced my intention to seek justice, I have not stopped receiving call after call, email after email, of parents and patients that have been harmed by these same practices, some of them even were butchered in the same building I was."

“We are proud to represent this courageous young woman who is trying to help other young people from also being victimized in this horrible manner,” said LiMandri of Cole's case.

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