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Connecticut Middle School Director Placed On Leave Following Detailed 'Fantasies' About Students

'We Are Placing The Employee On Leave And We'll Be Properly Investigating This Matter And Taking Appropriate Action' Said Greens Farms Academy

Connecticut Middle School Director Placed On Leave Following Detailed 'Fantasies' About Students

A private school educator in Connecticut has been placed on leave after a video of the Seventh Grade Dean discussing sexual fantasies about students was released on Thursday.

Middle School English Teacher and the Director of Writing Center at Greens Farms Academy Iman Rasti was recorded discussing graphic sexual thoughts about his students to an undercover Project Veritas journalist. Rasti admitted his fantasies could lose his job and reputation, saying "it’s way too risky."

"They sit down in front of me, they purposefully sit down somewhere in the class that is literally directly in front of me," Rasti said of his female pupils. "They spread their legs wide open and that is just brutal."

The educator continued describing his female students wearing different color underwear saying "it's like they talk to each other" — suggesting the girls were purposefully seeking Rasti's attention.

"They open their legs, and I am teaching, and I see what I see," the Seventh Grade Dean continued describing his students. "They make sure that the panties are positioned in a way that I actually see the thing,”

"How can you concentrate?" Rasti said. "How can you continue talking with your classroom when you see that?"

Rasti continued suggesting his students were "naughty" before he described watching female students mature into women.

"So, you see a 15-year-old girl, and next year they come back to school, and she is a woman. She is a woman. There is no way — she has gained weight, just, doing nothing, so it is clear that she has had sex. A lot of sex."

"I can see the side of the p----" Rasti said when asked what else he saw besides his students' underwear, insisting he tries to control himself. The educator continued describing the appearance of his student's genitals in their underwear.

"It's very hard. I mean literally and figuratively," Rasti said making an off-color joke before saying he imagined seventh graders having sex as "interesting."

“It’s just very concerning that he would lose that judgment — of the difference between what position he is in,” said State Police Officer Corporal Thomas McAndrew of Rasti's account.

McAndrew continued:

His mindset is not in welcoming back a teenager who is a student, but instead, he’s obsessed with a sexual connotation or the sexual aspect of that student. ... fantasy is one thing, thinking it is another thing. But when he has blurred the lines and started to justify all of his behavior, it is certainly a concern to us. It is predatory. When somebody is this obsessed with a fantasy, it starts to rule their life. They start to move in a direction of losing the concept of reality. The reality is he’s a teacher. He’s in a power position. He should be worried about educating these children. Instead, his focus is more on constantly — it seems, constantly obsessed with sexual aspects of these children.

"We are placing the employee on leave and we'll be properly investigating this matter and taking appropriate action," said Greens Farms Academy in a statement to Project Veritas.

Green Farms Academy's staff directory page is down as of Thursday evening.

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