2024 Election /

Biden and Harris to Hold Pro-Abortion Rally in Virginia for Roe v. Wade Anniversary

'In 2024, a vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is a vote to restore Roe.'

Biden and Harris to Hold Pro-Abortion Rally in Virginia for Roe v. Wade Anniversary

President Joe Biden's reelection campaign is holding a pro-abortion rally in Virginia next week.

Wednesday's rally, which Vice President Kamala Harris is also scheduled to attend, will mark the 51st anniversary of the now-overturned Roe v. Wade decision.

The Hill reports that the president will "discuss the threat Republicans would pose to abortion rights if they win back the White House."

The campaign will also launch a pro-abortion ad campaign focusing on women and swing voters in battleground states.

“Donald Trump is the reason that more than 1 in 3 American women of reproductive age don’t have the freedom to make their own health care decisions,” Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement obtained by The Hill. “Now, he and MAGA Republicans are running to go even further if they retake the White House.”

Rodriguez said that a vote for Biden and Harris is "a vote to restore Roe."

“Trump directly paved the way for Republican extremists across the country to enact draconian bans that are hurting women and threatening doctors,” Rodriguez continued. “In 2024, a vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is a vote to restore Roe, and a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to ban abortion across the country.”

The Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision in June 2022. The move prompted mass protests nationwide and domestic terror attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers.

Earlier this month, Trump discussed his stance on abortion during a Fox News town hall in Des Moines, Iowa.

Asked if he would "protect all life without compromise," Trump said that he is proud of helping overturn Roe, but believes there should be exceptions — especially in cases of rape, incest, or a threat to the mother's life.

"Nobody has done more in that regard. (But) I happen to be for the exceptions like Ronald Reagan, with the life of the mother, rape, incest. I just have to be there, I feel," Trump said.

Trump warned that Republicans need a consensus on the issue to "win elections."

"Otherwise, you are going to be back where you were, and you can't let that ever happen again," Trump said.

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