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Amber Rose's RNC Appearance Met With Mixed Response

Matt Walsh: 'The RNC gives a primetime speaking slot to a pro-abortion feminist and self-proclaimed slut with a face tattoo'

Amber Rose's RNC Appearance Met With Mixed Response

Rapper and model Amber Rose's speech at Monday's Republican National Convention (RNC) has been met with a mixed response from conservatives.

Despite having previously been a critic of former President Donald Trump, Rose announced her support for Trump in a May post to her Instagram.

"Trump 2024," the model captioned a photo of herself with Trump and former First Lady Melania with three American flag emojis.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that Rose would speak at the upcoming RNC. The model later confirmed the news in an X post.

In Rose's five-minute speech, the model discussed the importance of safety for children and also said she recently discovered corporate media had largely shaped her previous negative impression of Trump.

"For a long time, I believed those lies. So I'm here to set the record straight," she said, adding her father was the first person she personally knew who supported Trump. "I was shocked. My entire family is racially diverse, and I believed the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist."


Rose said her father challenged her to prove him wrong on his support for Trump, to which Rose said she learned she had been misled by corporate media after researching the former president and his accomplishments in office.

"People have to do their research," she said. "I watched all the rallies and I started meeting so many of you — his red-hat wearing supporters."

"I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're black, white, gay, or straight. It's all love," she said. "And that's when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong."

Rose concluded her speech by discussing economic struggles Americans faced under President Joe Biden's administration and expressed her full support for Trump's re-election this November.

"My message to you tonight comes from a humble place," she said. "The left told me to hate Trump, and even worse, to hate the other side — the people who support him. When you cut through the lies, you realize the truth. American families were better when Donald Trump was president."

Rose's appearance at the RNC was heavily criticized by Republicans and other conservatives online.

"Christians will have to reconcile the fact we are now in the minority in America," wrote former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis. "The RNC excised pro-life, traditional marriage, biblical values, and pastors to instead affirm the LGBTQ Log Cabin Republicans and platform a Satanist, self-described 'slut,' and a Sikh prayer."

"The majority of Republicans now also affirm godless values and inclusivity at the expense of truth. We are in a pagan culture," Ellis continued. "If you didn’t believe it before, there is no denying it now."

"We can walk as Christians even in a pagan society, but make no mistake, this week is a turning point in America," Ellis added.

The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh also objected to Rose's RNC appearance.

"The RNC gives a primetime speaking slot to a pro-abortion feminist and self-proclaimed slut with a face tattoo whose only claim to fame is having sex with rappers," he wrote. "Truly an embarrassment. Not a single voter will be mobilized by this person."

However, other Republicans and conservative leaning voters noted objections to Rose's RNC speech presented a fatal flaw to Republicans and conservatives seeking to expand their voting base.

"Any 'conservative' or 'MAGA' that is attacking Amber Rose should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t care what her past is. It is not for you to judge," wrote former Breitbart reporter Jennifer Lynn Lawrence. "You are the problem with the party with your holier than thou attitude. You need to go read your bible. Welcome Amber Rose!"

"She wasn’t brought in to represent Trump or the Republican Party, but just to say 'if I can vote for him, so can you' to a demographic that would never normally consider it," wrote Martyr Made.

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