2024 Election /

Trump Skyrockets to Ten Point Lead Over Biden in Latest National Poll

Trump's lead grows even more when the independent and Green Party candidates are included.

Trump Skyrockets to Ten Point Lead Over Biden in Latest National Poll

Former President Donald Trump's lead over President Joe Biden has skyrocketed to ten points, according to the latest poll from Rasmussen Reports.

The Rasmussen Reports survey found that Trump leads the field with 46 percent nationwide support, while Biden has just over 36 percent and nine percent for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"In April, Trump led by 6 points, 44% to 38% for Biden, with RFK Jr. at 10%. Four percent (4%) now say they’d vote for some other candidate, and another four percent (4%) are undecided," Rasmussen reports.

Breitbart News reports:

Today’s internals are brutal for Biden.

Trump leads with Hispanics by eight points, 41 to 33 percent.

Trump leads with 18-39-year-olds by two points, 36 to 34 percent.

Trump earns 21 percent of the black vote, while Biden earns just 61 percent. That number should be closer to 90 percent.

Only 70 percent of Democrats support Biden. Trump earns 16 percent Democrat support.

Trump earns 80 percent Republican support. Biden sits at ten percent.

When Green Party candidate Jill Stein and longshot independent candidate Cornel West are included in the poll options, Trump's lead jumps to 12 percent.

"The Donald’s lead jumps to 12 points over Slow Joe, 48 to 36 percent. Kennedy pulls eight percent support. Stein and West top out at a single point," the report states.

Rasmussen noted, “Despite being on trial in New York City, former President Donald Trump has widened his lead over President Joe Biden during the past month.”

A report on Emerson College Polling/The Hill swing state polls released last week found that Trump is leading Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin in a hypothetical match-up between the two leading candidates.

In a head-to-head matchup, Trump is beating Biden in Arizona by four points, Georgia by three, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by two, North Carolina by five, and Michigan and Nevada by one.

"When third-party candidates are included on the ballot, support is pulled away from Biden more than Trump in five states: Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Support is drawn evenly from each candidate in Arizona and Michigan," the pollsters report.

Rasmussen polled 1,205 likely voters between April 29 and May 1, 2024.

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