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Trump Says Biden Poses 'Real' Threat To Democracy

Trump said claims that he was a threat to democracy was the latest Democratic hoax

Trump Says Biden Poses 'Real' Threat To Democracy

Former President Donald Trump rejected criticism against him and said President Joe Biden was the "real" threat to democracy.

During a Saturday gala held by the New York Young Republican Club, Trump took Biden to task over his claims that the former President's political slogan, Make America Great Again (MAGA), posed a threat to democracy. The former President said the claim was "misinformation" and a "hoax," and further said Biden was the "real threat."

“The radical left Democrats, their fake news allies have unveiled their newest hoax that Donald J. and the Republican Party are a threat to democracy," Trump said per Fox News. "This is their new line. Here we go again — ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’ ‘Mueller, Mueller, Mueller,’ ‘Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.’ One hoax after another."

The former President referred to the Democratic strategy as a “desperate and shameless attempt to distract from the monstrous abuses of power the Left is committing before your very eyes.”

“We call it now the threat-to-democracy hoax, because that’s what it is," Trump added.

"[Biden is the] real threat to democracy for two simple reasons: he’s corrupt and incompetent — grossly incompetent,” Trump said.

During a fundraiser in California over the weekend, President Biden reiterated his claim that Trump posed a threat to democracy.

“Let me be clear,” Biden said. "Donald Trump poses many threats to the country, from the right to choose to civil rights to voting rights to America’s standing in the world."

"But the greatest threat Trump poses is to our democracy, because if we lose that, we lose everything," Biden added.

Last week, Trump was asked by Fox News' Sean Hannity to quell voters' fears that he would not "abuse power as retribution" against political opponents. Trump agreed he would not, "except for Day One."

“Other than Day One. We’re closing the border. And we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that I’m not a dictator," the former President said.

Currently, Biden and Trump are set for a 2020 rematch in the upcoming presidential election as both candidates are currently the frontrunners in their respective parties.

According to RealClearPolitics, Trump currently holds a 47.6-point advantage over GOP runner up Ron DeSantis. The Florida governor holds a narrow lead over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley by .3 points and is followed by entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

In a potential rematch, the polling data aggregator shows Trump defeating Biden by 2.2 points.

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