2024 Election /

Trump Responds to Fox News Poll Showing Him Two Points Behind Biden: 'TRASH'

"The latest Fox News poll is TRASH!" Trump began.

Trump Responds to Fox News Poll Showing Him Two Points Behind Biden: 'TRASH'

Former President Donald Trump responded to a Fox News poll released on Thursday that showed him two points behind President Joe Biden in a post to Truth Social.

In his post, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee called the poll "TRASH."

"The latest Fox News poll is TRASH!" Trump began.

Trump accused the pollsters of using a "biased, Democrat-leaning sample of voters, polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters to skew the results in favor of Crooked Joe."

"I am leading BIG in virtually every other poll, including in all of the key battleground states, like Wisconsin, where I just held a massive rally, and Pennsylvania, where I will be on Saturday," the post continued. "Also, the #1 issue in this Country is not protecting democracy. It is INFLATION and IMMIGRATION!"

The former president continued, "If it is protecting democracy, Trump is your best choice, because Crooked Joe Biden is the greatest threat to democracy in history with his Open Border and weaponization of our justice system against his political opponent, ME! Fox News polls have never treated me, or MAGA, fairly! Don't worry, we will WIN!!! Fox News should get rid of Paul Ryan, and get a new Pollster, but they won’t…."

The Fox poll was the first of the election season in which Biden got 50 percent support, while Trump had 48, in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup.

When third-party and independent candidates were added in, Biden led by just one point.

"The underlying demographic tendencies that have defined the race remain in place," says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts Fox News surveys with Democrat Chris Anderson. "Biden has improved slightly with women and seniors, which keeps him afloat despite significant reductions from 2020 in support from younger voters and African Americans."

The pollsters report, "Overall, 45% of voters approve of the job Biden is doing as president and 55% disapprove. While that’s unchanged from last month, those remain his best marks since January 2023."

The Hill reports that their own poll, conducted with Emerson, and also published on Thursday, "found Trump with an edge over Biden in swing states, including 4 points over Biden in Arizona and Georgia, 3 points up in Wisconsin and Nevada, and 2 points up in Pennsylvania. In Michigan, Trump leads by 1 point, and the pair are even in Minnesota."

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