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Trump Leads Biden by Six Points in 2024 Poll

Trump Leads Biden by Six Points in 2024 Poll

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden by six points in the latest poll about the 2024 election.

According to the latest poll from Rasmussen Reports, the Republican's lead is outside the margin of error.

The pollsters also found that Trump would win among independents and almost evenly split Hispanic voters.

The survey asked potential voters if the election was held today, would they choose Trump or Biden? Just 40 percent said they would vote to re-elect Biden, while 46 percent would vote for Trump. Ten percent said that they would choose "some other candidate."

"Trump would get 81% support from GOP voters and Biden would get 75% of Democrats if the election were held today. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, however, Trump would win by a 16-point margin, with 45% to Biden’s 29% of the vote," the pollsters found.

A majority of voters, 52 percent, said that they have an "unfavorable" view of Biden. On the other side, a 51 percent majority have a "favorable" view of Trump.

“Less than one year into his presidency, 52 percent of likely voters have an unfavorable impression of President Joe Biden. This is astounding, given the fact that the mainstream has given Biden the benefit of the doubt so often and glossed over his administration’s utter failures concerning the pandemic, inflation, foreign policy, et cetera” said Chris Talgo, senior editor and research fellow at The Heartland Institute. “On the other hand, 51 percent of likely voters now have a favorable opinion of former President Trump. In fact, more likely voters would vote for Trump over Biden if the next presidential election were held today. It seems like American voters are experiencing a classic case of voter’s remorse.”

When breaking down support by race, Trump would win 51 percent of white voters to 36 percent for Biden.

Trump did not do well with black voters, they found that Biden would get 61 percent versus 26 percent for Trump. Support from Hispanics was split, however, with 41 percent for the current president and 38 percent for the former.

"More women voters (47%) than men (43%) have a favorable impression of Biden, while men (54%) are more likely than women voters (48%) to have a favorable impression of Trump. In an election rematch, women voters would split evenly – 43% each for Biden and Trump – while men would choose Trump by a 14-point margin, 50%-36% over Biden," the study found.

The pollsters added, "Trump gets his strongest level of support from married voters with children at home, while Biden’s highest support is among the unmarried and childless."

The survey of 1,016 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on January 5, 2022 by the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. 

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