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Trump Advisor 'Not Expecting Him To Participate' In Republican Primary Debates

Jason Miller: “It Really Wouldn’t Make Much Sense For Him To Go And Debate Right Now With A Bunch Of Folks Who Are Down At Three, Four And Five Percent'

Trump Advisor 'Not Expecting Him To Participate' In Republican Primary Debates

Former president Donald Trump is still unlikely to participate in the upcoming Republican primaries, according to one advisor.

During a Tuesday interview with "The Hill" on NewsNation, Jason Miller said that Trump has indicated he is "unlikely to participate" in at least the first two debates of the 2024 Republican primaries.

“It really wouldn’t make much sense for him to go and debate right now with a bunch of folks who are down at three, four, and five percent,” Miller stated. “So ultimately, President Trump will make a decision as we get closer."

“He has not said anything definitive, one way or the other," Miller concluded. "I’m not expecting him to participate, though.”

Last week, fellow Republican challenger and Florida governor Ron DeSantis said he would participate in the upcoming primary debates regardless of the former president's decision to attend.

“I’ll be there, regardless,” DeSantis told Fox News. “I hope everybody who is eligible comes. I think it is an important part of the process, and I look forward to being able to be on the stage and introducing our candidacy and our vision and our leadership to a wide audience.”

On Monday, Trump claimed his former campaign advisor Steve Cortes, who has expressed support for DeSantis, suggested the Florida governor exit the 2024 Presidential Race “while the getting is still good.”

“He also said (thank you Steve!) that Donald J. Trump is the best Presidential debater ever, and can’t be beaten at the debate game,” Trump said in a Truth Social post. “Well, based on that, maybe I should enter the debates – But, then again, when you have a 40 to 50 point lead over the field, maybe I shouldn’t???”

“Despite Fake News protestations to the contrary, I do better one on one against Ron DeSanctimonious than I do with a field of candidates, large or small,” Trump said in another post. “Personally, I don’t think it matters. MAGA!!!”

Trump also suggested the Florida governor was attempting to save face for a 2028 Presidential run, which the former president said DeSantis’ chances were “greatly damaged.”

“Jeff Roe, Ron’s boss despite having a terrible record of winning, is spending money like a wild man gone bad,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “Much of the money being used was raised for his Gubernatorial race, and transferred over (illegally?) because his Presidential donors have largely fled do to his terrible, and still falling, poll numbers.”

“Ron is just wasting time!”

Fox News is scheduled to host the first Republican primary debate on August 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

According to Real Clear Politics, Trump holds a 10.3-point advantage over the Florida governor, with one Florida Atlantic Poll showing the former president leading DeSantis by a 20-point advantage in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary.

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