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Top Democrat Lawmakers Call for Gun Control on Eleventh Anniversary of Sandy Hook Shooting

'Congress must take on the NRA and pass life-saving gun safety legislation NOW,' Sen. Bernie Sanders wrote.

Top Democrat Lawmakers Call for Gun Control on Eleventh Anniversary of Sandy Hook Shooting

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other top Democrat lawmakers called for gun control on the eleventh anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on Thursday.

Adam Lanza, 20, shot and killed 26 people at the Newtown, Connecticut, school on December 14, 2012. Twenty of the victims were six and seven-year-old children, the others were adult school staff.

Lanza had fatally shot his mother before going to the school and committed suicide at the scene by shooting himself in the head in one of the classrooms.

"Eleven years ago, the souths of Newtown, Connecticut, and the nation were pierced forever when twenty-six lives were stolen at Sandy Hook Elementary School by a lone shooter," Biden posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. "Today, Jill and I are praying for the families and survivors in the Newtown community."

Harris echoed the president's sentiment, adding that "Together, we must call on Congress and state legislators to take action. Ban assault weapons, make background checks universal, and enact red flag laws. These solutions are reasonable, they are necessary, and they will save lives."

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer offered a similar statement.

Schumer began, "11 years ago—26 kids and educators were killed in a horrific act of gun violence at Sandy Hook Elementary," he continued, "We keep them and their families in our hearts"

"We took to the floor again last week to pass the Assault Weapons Ban, but the GOP blocked it," the senator added. "We won't stop working to pass it."

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy wrote, "I beg you - commit yourself to the cause of creating a nation where this never ever happens again."

Sen. Bernie Sanders went after the National Rifle Association directly.

"Congress must take on the NRA and pass life-saving gun safety legislation NOW," Sanders posted.

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi wrote, "we must never rest until every child is free from the fear of gun violence."

"Republicans must join Democrats to enact gun violence prevention legislation that will save lives and finally end this crisis," Pelosi added.

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