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Texas Police Arrest Illegal Immigrant for the Murder of 16-Year-Old Cheerleader Lizbeth Medina

Texas Police Arrest Illegal Immigrant for the Murder of 16-Year-Old Cheerleader Lizbeth Medina

The Edna Police Department has announced that an "undocumented male" has been arrested for the murder of 16-year-old Texas cheerleader Lizbeth Medina.

Medina was found dead in the bathtub of her family home on December 5.

On Sunday, the department announced the arrest of Rafael Govea Romero for capital murder.

"Edna Police Department and Texas Rangers immediately traveled to Schulenburg where Romero was placed under arrest for Capital Murder and transported to Jackson County Jail," the department said in a press release. "Although Romero is apprehended, we recognize Lizbeth's family and friends are grieving and still need support from the community. The citizens of Edna can now sleep in peace!"

Details about Romero's connection to the victim, if any, were not made public in the announcement.

Fox News asked the teenager's mother, Jacqueline Medina, if she recognized the suspect.

"Not at all," the grieving mother replied.

Jacqueline Medina had found her daughter in the bathtub on Tuesday after she went home to look for her because she did not hear from her all day.

Lizbeth was supposed to appear in a Christmas parade that afternoon.

"I decided to go look for her. And I kept calling her phone nonstop, and it would take me straight to voicemail… I called a bunch of people and nobody knew anything. It wasn't until I walked into the restroom that I was on the phone with my friend asking him to come help me look for her – is when I [saw] her foot, and it was in the bathtub. And so I opened the curtains. There she was," Medina said.

"I don't understand why. My God, why would they do this to her?" Medina continued. "She's such a beautiful, smart, and amazing girl. There's moments where I just can't take it. And then there's moments where I feel like I need to be strong for her."

Edna Chief of Police Rick Boone wrote in a post on the department's Facebook page, "I would like take this opportunity to show my appreciation to all those that assisted this week following the death of Lizbeth. First, I would like to thank my crew here at Edna Police Department. As you know, we are a small department and this can call for a great demand to be put on my officers. They not only stepped up during their own shifts, but worked many hours willingly on their days off and past their own shift times. They were dedicated to seeking justice for Lizbeth and it showed in their many many hours spent investigating this crime. I am proud to call them my team!"

Boone also thanked other agencies and departments that assisted the investigation, including Jackson Co Sheriff’s Office, Ganado Police Department, the Jackson County District Attorney’s Office, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and several others.

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