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Texas Congressman Warns Border Crisis Is Existential Threat To Republic

Rep. Keith Self: 'We’ve set ourselves up for an October 7th attack inside ... the United States'

Texas Congressman Warns Border Crisis Is Existential Threat To Republic

Texas Rep. Keith Self warned the ongoing border crisis was an existential threat to the United States' republic.

Self spoke with The Daily Wire at the "Take Our Border Back" rally in Quemado, Texas on Wednesday, which saw hundreds of Americans in attendance in support of the state's efforts to defend its southern border from illegal immigration.

“We will lose our republic if we do not secure this border,” Self said, adding current projections could reach up to eight million illegal border crossings over the course of President Joe Biden's time in office. “That’s more than the population of Ohio, the seventh largest state. If that continues, we will lose our republic.”

The Texas representative also warned the country was vulnerable to a major terrorist attack due to the unprecedented border crisis.

“With the number of military-aged males that we’ve let come across the border, we’ve set ourselves up for an October 7th attack inside the interior of the United States,” Self said. “I ask everybody to be very aware that we have no idea who most of these people are.”


The Texas representative said he hoped the rally was the start of a "major movement" across the country for Americans to "rise up" to "take on this weaponized federal government."

Self also lauded Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's recent declaration of the state's right to defend its sovereignty and the 24 other Republican governors who have thrown support and assistance to the Lone Star State.

“The open border is not a mistake, it is a plan,” Self continued. “There are no counties and states that are not border counties and states. It’s everywhere. You’re seeing the New York mayor say he can’t take anymore — well, he doesn’t have a percentage of what we have in Texas today.”

Late last month, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in favor of the Biden administration's legality to cut or remove sections of razor wire deployed at the state's southern border to curb illegal border crossings. In response, Abbott declared the Biden administration had violated Article IV, § 4, of the United States Constitution, which notes the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion.” Abbott also cited Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which acknowledges “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”

Late last month, Gov. Abbott said Texas was "prepared" for potential confrontation with federal authorities, though added the move from the Biden administration would be a "total disaster."

Other "Take Our Border Back" rallies have taken place in California and Arizona earlier this month.

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