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Ted Cruz Criticizes SCOTUS' 'Horrible' Texas Border Ruling

The Texas senator said neither Justices Roberts nor Barrett understood the reality of the nation's southern border crisis

Ted Cruz Criticizes SCOTUS' 'Horrible' Texas Border Ruling

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz expressed criticism over the Supreme Court of the United States' (SCOTUS) Monday ruling in favor of the Biden administration's legal ability to remove razor wire placed at the state's southern border.

According to SCOTUS' ruling, the federal government is legally permitted to cut through or remove portions of Texas' razor wire deployed to curb illegal border crossing into the state per Biden's order.

Cruz said the "horrible" ruling was "deeply disturbing" during a Wednesday episode of his podcast, Verdict With Ted Cruz.

"I’m angry about it,” Cruz said. "We are seeing an invasion at our southern border — 9.6 million illegal immigrants have crossed in under Joe Biden. It is deliberate."

The Texas senator said the border crisis was the "worst illegal immigration" in the nation's history and insisted Biden's stance on lax border policies was "deliberate."

"He wants this to happen," Cruz said.

“There is a heavy presumption in Washington, in federal courts, which is that the federal government gets to trump the states,” Cruz said. “That part of the Constitution is the supremacy clause that says the Constitution, the federal laws, are the supreme law of the land."

The Texas senator noted conservative Justices John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett voted in agreement with liberal Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson in Monday's decision ruling in favor of the Biden administration 5-4. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh dissented from the majority.

Cruz said neither Justices Roberts nor Barrett understood the reality of the nation's southern border crisis.

"I think it is a real problem that John Roberts is a creature of Washington," he continued. "Amy Coney Barrett is a law professor from Indiana. I don’t think she has any understanding of what’s happening at the southern border.”

The dissenting Justices lack a "real appreciation for how horrifically bad" and "lawless" the Biden administration's handling of the border has been, according to Cruz.

“There’s never been a president who refuses to follow the law like Joe Biden did," Cruz added.

“He wants more illegal immigrants. And I said, for Pete’s sakes, Biden is actively litigating against the state of Texas, to stop Texas from securing the border. That’s what they want,” Cruz said. “They want this invasion. And that’s exactly what the Biden administration is doing, with the emphatic support of essentially every Democrat member of the Senate and every Democrat member of the House.”

On Wednesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott released a statement proclaiming President Joe Biden and his administration had neglected to uphold Article IV, § 4, of the United States Constitution, which notes the federal government "shall protect each [State] against invasion." Abbott cited Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which acknowledges "the States' sovereign interest in protecting their borders."

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