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'Simply Absurd': Megyn Kelly Comments On Biden Declining Super Bowl Interview With CBS News

'I don’t mean he doesn’t know the answers. I mean, he physically cannot get the words out'

'Simply Absurd': Megyn Kelly Comments On Biden Declining Super Bowl Interview With CBS News

Journalist and media personality Megyn Kelly said President Joe Biden was physically unable to make it through a proposed Super Bowl interview.

President Biden declined to participate in a pre-game Super Bowl interview for the upcoming Super Bowl LVIII on Feb. 11, CBS News confirmed.

During a Tuesday episode of her Sirius XM radio program, Kelly noted Biden also declined to participate in last year's pre-game Super Bowl interview, though suggested he "could get away with it" because the interview was hosted by Fox News.

“Evil Fox, who would sit with them? That would be terrible," Kelly said. "But this year, it’s a different story because it’s CBS."

Kelly suggested Biden had no reason to decline the interview with the network.

"What does he have against CBS? Why won’t he go on CBS?" she said. "He’s just not going to do it because he won’t sit with the press because he can’t answer hard questions."

"I don’t mean he doesn’t know the answers. I mean, he physically cannot get the words out," Kelly added.

Kelly also noted MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has praised Biden and referenced a recent remark from Biden in which the president appeared to refer to Trump as a "sick f---," though stopped himself short.

“He manages to squeeze into this reaction, a defense, he thinks, of Joe Biden’s many verbal gaffes," Kelly continued. "I don’t think having a stuttering problem makes you think dead people are alive and alive people are dead.”

The radio host said Biden's decision to decline the CBS News interview was "simply absurd."

Biden aids told CNN his move to skip a second consecutive Super Bowl interview was "part of a larger plan," and "not a move to avoid having the president answer questions in front of the whole country." Biden aids also noted the interview was scheduled for the Super Bowl pre-game and not during peak viewing hours for the annual NFL game.

Americans are also experiencing "fatigue" over the current election cycle, Biden advisors noted, per the outlet.

Fox News contributor Joe Concha also panned Biden's decision to sit out the Super Bowl interview during a Monday segment on Fox & Friends First with host Carley Shimkus.

“This is by far the lamest, most intelligence-insulting excuse you will ever hear as far as why the president is hiding from this interview for the second consecutive year,” Concha said. “The interview is like hours before the game, so it’s not about that. So please stop. It’s truly telling that Joe Biden’s handlers are simply petrified of putting him in front of a camera without a teleprompter or scripted remarks to guide him.”

“The Super Bowl, even the pregame, is by far the most watched program of the year, and when you’re a president, who is polling lower than any in polling history, three years into the job, you would think he would be out there trying to sell his message on why he and his administration deserve four more years,” Concha added.

Concha said Biden was a "coward" for sitting out the traditional Super Bowl interview.

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