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Seven in Ten Independents Are Worried About Biden's Mental Fitness

Seven in Ten Independents Are Worried About Biden's Mental Fitness

A new poll has found that nearly seven in ten registered independents are worried about President Joe Biden's mental fitness ahead of the 2024 election.

A NPR/ PBS News Hour/Marist poll published on Wednesday found that 69 percent of registered Independents believe his mental fitness is a genuine concern, while 27 percent believe his mental fitness is being used as a campaign strategy by opponents.

The pollsters found that 84 percent of registered Republicans and just 36 percent of registered Democrats shared the same concern.

When looking at the numbers overall, 62 percent of respondents believe that Biden's mental fitness is a concern for his ability to be the president.

Asked about their views of former President Donald Trump's mental fitness, 48 percent of registered Independents said that it is a real concern. Nearly eight in ten Democrats (78 percent) said the same and just 21 percent of Republicans agreed.

Trump is currently the leading contender for the GOP nomination, though Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to formally enter the race on Wednesday.

Biden announced in April that he is running for office again, despite being the nation's oldest president. He is currently 80 years old.

“We — you and I — together we’re turning things around, and we’re doing it in a big way,” Biden said. “It’s time to finish the job. Finish the job.”

The announcement came in the form of a video that was posted to social media.

“I said we are in a battle for the soul of America, and we still are,” Biden said. “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer.”

“Freedom. Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans. There’s nothing more important. Nothing more sacred,” Biden said. “Around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take those bedrock freedoms away.”

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