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Sen. Cruz Says Biden's Handling of Border Makes Obama's Border Crisis 'Miniscule'

'Joe Biden has done something I thought was impossible. He’s made me miss Barack Obama'

Sen. Cruz Says Biden's Handling of Border Makes Obama's Border Crisis 'Miniscule'

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said President Joe Biden's border crisis made former President Barack Obama's border crisis look "minuscule" in comparison.

During a Monday episode of his podcast Verdict With Ted Cruz, the Texas senator discussed the ongoing border crisis in the state after the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the Biden administration's legality to cut or remove sections of razor wire at Texas' southern border last week. Cruz warned of the potential for a constitutional crisis in the wake of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's invocation of Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution asserting the state's right to protect its southern border.

Cruz noted a similar case was filed by the state of Arizona during former President Barack Obama's time in office which was similarly ruled in favor of the federal government.

"Illegal immigration was a problem under Barack Obama, was a serious problem under Barack Obama, but I gotta say, compared to now, it’s night and day,” Cruz said. “The Obama immigration problems seem quaint, that they are minuscule compared to what is happening now. The order of magnitude — I’ve joked multiple times that Joe Biden has done something I thought was impossible. He’s made me miss Barack Obama.”


Despite Obama's implementation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the former president "by and large, followed the law," Cruz said.

“For people crossing illegally into the country, Barack Obama deported millions of people,” Cruz said. “If you remember, during the Obama administration, the Left got very mad. They called him the ‘deporter in chief.’ And that made a difference. What has happened here under Joe Biden, and we’ve never seen a president do this in over 200 years of our nation’s history. There has never been a president that utterly and completely defies U.S. law, and lets people go by massive numbers.”

“So for example, there’s an authority under federal immigration law called parole authority, which is, you can release people in limited and special circumstances,” Cruz continued. “Under Obama, he would parole roughly 5,000 illegal immigrants a year. Under Trump, it was a comparable number. How much Biden is doing? About 800,000 a year. He took Obama’s 5,000 a year and he blew it up to 800,000. They’ve made a decision, ‘We are going to allow an invasion.'”

On Friday, Abbott said Texas was "prepared" for a potential conflict with the federal government in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

"We are prepared ... to make sure that we will be able to continue exactly what we've been doing over the past month," he said of Texas' deployment of razor wire or other efforts to curb illegal border crossings.

Abbott also noted other states had sent troops to Texas to assist with the border crisis.

"There have been about ten so far that have sent national guard or other law enforcement," Abbott said. "This is a fight for the future of America, and they all know it."

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