2024 Election /

Ron DeSantis Officially Enters 2024 Presidential Race with Announcement on Twitter

'I'm Running For President To Lead Our Great American Comeback'

Ron DeSantis Officially Enters 2024 Presidential Race with Announcement on Twitter

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis released a campaign video announcing his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Election.

DeSantis released the video shortly before the Florida Governor was set to officially announce his candidacy in a Twitter Space hosted by owner Elon Musk.

The video is the full-length advertisement teased by Florida's First Lady Casey DeSantis on Tuesday.

"Our border is a disaster, crime infests our cities, the federal government makes it harder for families to make ends meet, and the President flounders," DeSantis asserts. "But decline is a choice, success is attainable, and freedom is worth fighting for."

"Righting the ship requires restoring sanity to our society, normalcy to our communities, and integrity to our institutions."

"I'm running for president to lead our Great American Comeback," the Florida Governor tweeted.

"Truth must be our foundation," DeSantis continues. "Common sense can no longer be a common virtue."

“In Florida, we proved that it can be done. We chose facts over fear, education over indoctrination, law and order over rioting and disorder. We held the line when freedom hung in the balance. We showed that we can, and must, revitalize America. We need the courage to lead, and the strength to win. ... I'm running for president to lead our Great American Comeback."

Yesterday the First Lady of Florida teased Governor DeSantis' announcement by sharing a Fox News article saying, "big if true..."

Casey shared a video featuring the Florida Governor standing backstage behind a U.S. flag.

“They call it faith because in the face of darkness you can see that brighter future,” a narrator says as the Florida Governor approaches the flag. “A faith that our best days lay ahead of us.”

“But is it worth the fight? Do I have the courage?” the narrator continued as DeSantis fixes his suit jacket and walks off camera. “Is it worth the sacrifice? America has been worth it. Every single time.”

“America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time,” Casey wrote on Twitter Tuesday evening.

Musk and DeSantis were scheduled to hold a Twitter Space at 6 p.m. EST, though experienced technical difficulties delaying the Space for about thirty minutes.

Following DeSantis' official announcement on the Twitter Space, the Florida Governor held a Q&A session with Musk fielding questions from listeners.

DeSantis discussed rhetoric from critics suggesting Florida was an "unsafe" state for minorities following the governor's efforts to curb proponents of critical race theory in the state's department of education.

The Florida governor noted critics of his policies had also vacationed in the state.

DeSantis also discussed unprecedented illegal border crossings along with the fentanyl epidemic regarding the country's southern border, referring to it as a "day one issue."

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