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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Says He Will Prosecute 'Any Official Who Engaged in Criminal Wrongdoing During the Pandemic'

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Says He Will Prosecute 'Any Official Who Engaged in Criminal Wrongdoing During the Pandemic'

Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced that he will prosecute any official who engaged in criminal wrongdoing during the pandemic.

Kennedy made the bold promise in a Twitter thread on April 26.

"It is dawning on mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci that their Covid policies were a public health disaster," Kennedy began. "Lots of us are angry about the mandates, the lockdowns, the censorship, the insanity. But we need to avoid the toxic quagmire of retribution and blame and focus on ensuring this never happens again. Clean up the regulatory agencies, get corporate money out of public health, and guarantee free, open, uncensored public and scientific discourse."

Kennedy continued, "Of course, officials who betrayed the public trust must not be allowed to hold power. I will remove them from their positions and, if laws were broken, my attorney general will prosecute."

"Just to be clear, I will prosecute any official who engaged in criminal wrongdoing during the pandemic," the candidate said. "Corrupt individuals are a small part of the problem. Our agencies have been captured by corporate power, but the vast majority of their staff are decent people. We need to get corporate influence out of *all* regulatory agencies so that they can serve the people honestly."

"Not retribution, but justice!" Kennedy said. "As President, I will direct my attorney general to investigate and prosecute every person who knowingly defrauded or deceived the American public about the safety and efficacy of medical products and I will obtain justice and compensation for every American who was injured or suffered the death of family members from those actions. As a presidential candidate, I'll continue to expose corruption to obtain justice for the injured."

Kennedy also sat down for an interview with Kim Iversen and elaborated on his plan for "justice."

"I'll bring the medical journals into the Justice Department as soon as I appoint an AG, and I'll say to them: 'You guys are part of a racketeering syndicate ... We are gonna sue you both civilly for damages and criminally,'" Kennedy said.

As Timcast previously reported, a recent poll found that 14 percent of voters who supported President Joe Biden are likely to cast their vote for Kennedy.

“In 2020, Joe Biden received more votes than any other president in U.S. history, yet the poll tells us that those same voters are open to other Democrats to wage a spirited primary,” said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center. “Kennedy, although a long shot at this point, starts in double digits and can’t be ignored.”

Kennedy, the nephew of President John F. Kennedy and the son of Robert F. Kennedy, has been heavily critical of vaccines for roughly 15 years.

The 2024 hopeful runs a non-profit called Children’s Health Defense. According to the organization’s website, their mission is to “end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. We fight corruption, mass surveillance and censorship that put profits before people as well as advocate for worldwide rights to health freedom and bodily autonomy.”

The organization provides legal assistance with fighting mandatory vaccination in schools and the workplace.

In March, Kennedy and CHD filed a class action lawsuit against Biden, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and dozens of other officials and agencies. The complaint alleges that “the defendants have colluded with, encouraged and pressured social media companies to suppress speech that the government does not want the public to hear and to silence specific speakers who are critical of federal policy.”

CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland said in a statement about the lawsuit, “If Government can censor its critics, there is no atrocity it cannot commit. The public has been deprived of truthful, life-and-death information over the last three years; this lawsuit aims to have government censorship end, as it must, because it is unlawful under our constitution.”

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