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Rick Scott Announces Candidacy To Succeed McConnell As Senate Minority Leader

'I believe that our voters want us to use this leadership election to make a choice to upend the status quo in Washington'

Rick Scott Announces Candidacy To Succeed McConnell As Senate Minority Leader

Florida Sen. Rick Scott has announced his candidacy to succeed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

In February, McConnell, 82, announced he will step down from Senate leadership this November, though will finish out his Senate term, which ends in January 2027.

Scott announced his candidacy in a Wednesday letter to Senate colleagues.

"I have decided to run for Senate Republican leader because I believe now is a moment we need dramatic change," Scott wrote. "I believe that our voters want us to use this leadership election to make a choice to upend the status quo in Washington."

"If you also believe this to be true and want a leader dedicated to that principle, I would be honored to have the opportunity to earn your support," he added.

“As Republican leader, I will protect senators’ interests while helping President Trump accomplish his goals,” Scott's letter continued, adding the country and Republican Conference's success depended on former President Donald Trump's success.  “This is not a time to make small adjustments, I believe we need a dramatic sea change to save our country and that’s why I’m running to be Republican leader."

Fellow Republican Senators John Cornyn of Texas and John Thune of South Dakota have also thrown their hat into the Senate leadership race.

“I am asking my Republican colleagues to give me the opportunity to succeed Leader McConnell. I have learned a lot during my time both in and out of Senate leadership,” Cornyn said in a late-February statement, per The Texas Tribune. “Throughout my time I’ve built a track record of listening to colleagues and seeking consensus, while leading the fight to stop bad policies that are harmful to our nation and the conservative cause.”

Cornyn previously served in Republican leadership as Whip from 2013 to 2019.

In early March, Thune announced his candidacy and referred to McConnell stepping down from Senate leadership as a "chance for a reset."

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso is also speculated to enter the race for Senate leadership.

“One of life’s most under-appreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” McConnell said while announcing his decision to step down from Senate leadership in February. “So I stand before you today ... to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.”

“I love the Senate,” he added. “It has been my life. There may be more distinguished members of this body throughout our history, but I doubt there are any with more admiration for it.”

McConnell's health has been called into question as he was hospitalized after falling in a Washington hotel in March 2023. Several months later, McConnell abruptly stopped speaking and appeared unable to move at his podium during a Senate Republican press conference last July. McConnell once again abruptly stopped talking and appeared to be frozen in place again during a press conference in Covington, Kentucky the following September.

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